Easter Island.doc

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Easter Island

托福综合写作解析(一) Zhang Lujing Easter Island 【原文】 Easter Island, a small, remote island in the Pacific Ocean, was once home to a flourishing culture. But about 500 years ago A.D.1500 , its society went into a steep decline. History teaches us that events like this are often caused by outside influences. So it is not unreasonable to consider whether there are facts about the decline of Easter Island’s society that would be explained by a hypothesis of an invasion. 【中文释义】 复活节岛是位于太平洋上最与世隔绝的一个小岛,曾经一度是繁荣文化的摇篮。然而,500多年以前 A.D.1500 ,岛上人口急剧下降。历史上的类似事件告诉我们这种情况多是由外界原因引起的。所以说认为复活节岛的衰落是由外来侵袭造成的是不无不可的。 【词汇注释】 flourishing 繁荣的,昌盛的 steep 急剧升降的,陡的 decline 下降,减少,衰退 hypothesis 假说, 假设, 前提 invasion 侵略, 侵犯 【同义词扩展】 remote≈secluded≈distant≈removed≈isolated≈far 遥远的,偏僻的 flourishing ≈ prosperous≈thriving≈booming≈growing≈ lush 繁荣的,欣欣向荣的 【句型积累】 So it is not unreasonable to 双重否定,表示 是可以理解的,这个句型在综合写作中可以使用。 One such fact has to do with trees. Most Pacific island societies have managed to find an ecologically balanced way of living by using—but not overexploiting—natural resources such as trees. Most Pacific islands, therefore, remain lush—but not Easter Island. Although it was once densely forested, most of its trees had disappeared by about 500 years ago. Environmental destruction of this sort has often been caused by invaders who deplete an area’s natural resources without any concern for the future. 【中文释义】 其中一个表现就和树木相关。大多数太平洋岛屿的社会已——利用但又不过度,从而维持着生态平衡。因此,大多数太平洋岛屿仍然复活节岛。虽然它曾经森林覆盖,500年前大部分的树木。这种类型的环境破坏入侵者自然资源,未来。ecologically 生态的 overexploit 过分开采 lush 茂盛的,茂密的,葱翠的 deplete 使枯竭,耗尽 【同义词扩展】 remain≈last≈stay on≈ keep≈retain 保持,保留 destruction≈slaughter≈slay≈decimation 伤害,破坏 【句型积累】 One such fact has to do with trees 这样的事实是和 相关的 Facts about the large stone statues on Easter Island could also support the idea of an invasion. There are about 900 of these statues on the island; the largest is over 20 meters tall. The native society clearly placed a great deal of importance on their production. Yet about t


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