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Northeast Asia: Seizing the Opportunities of Globalization Speech by Horst K?hler Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund At the International Conference on a New Vision and Strategy under Changing Leadership in Northeast Asia Seoul, February 27, 2004 东北亚:抓住全球化的机遇 演辞霍斯特克勒 管理国际货币基金主任 本会在上一个新的视野和战略问题国际会议正在嬗变中的东北亚领导力 汉城,2004年2月27日 Mr. President, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,It is a privilege to participate in this important conference today. It is a particular pleasure for me to be back in Seoul. When I was here four years ago, Korea was recovering from its severe economic crisis, and still struggling with the problems of the past. Yesterday, I had the honor of meeting with President Roh and was impressed by his vision for Korea, a vision whose focus is firmly on the future, a future of peace and prosperity in Korea, securely embedded in Northeast Asia. 主席先生,各位嘉宾,女士们,先生们,很荣幸来参加这次重要的会议今天。这是我特别高兴在韩国汉城回来。当我四年前在这里,韩国恢复从严重的经济危机,仍然与过去的问题所困扰。昨天,我有幸与总统卢武铉会面是由他的荣誉和韩国,一个视觉的焦点是对未来的坚定,一个和平与繁荣的未来在韩国在东北亚地区安全的嵌入式,视觉印象。 2. This conference takes place against the background of a significant strengthening of the global economic outlook. Led by the United States, the world economy now has the potential for a return to solid growth. The recovery is broadening and deepening, with all major regions showing improvement. And Asia, led by China and India, is in the vanguard of the global recovery. I expect that this will be reflected in an upward revision of the IMFs estimate for global growth in 2004. This rising tide will also lift Korea, and we expect growth in this country to accelerate in 2004. 2. 这次会议需要对经济前景的背景下发生的全球一个重要加强。由美国领导,现在世界经济已恢复增长,以坚实的潜力。回收率为扩大和深化,显示出改善与所有主要地区。和亚洲,中国和印度的领导下,在全球经济复苏的先锋。我期望,这将是在基金组织对2004年全球经济增长预期向上修正反映。这一潮流也将取消韩国,我们期望在这个国家在2004年加速增长。 3. But we know that there are still risks to this outlook, notably arising from the persistent current account imbalances in the global economy. The recovery is still uneven, with growth relatively r


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