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2814+开放英语I(1)普通单元1-5参考答案 第1单元参考答案 1 ma _n _a ger manager 2 de _t _a il detail 3 secre _t _a ry secretary 4 |_c _o mpany company 5 mob _i _l e mobile 6 Bri _t _i sh British 7 Ameri _c _a America 8 fli _g _h t flight 9 loc _a l local 10 p _a rent parent 1 His father is ____ high school teacher. a 2 Mary _____ Chinese. She _____ American. is not, is 3 Im _____ university student. a 4 Polly works ____ David ____ the same IT company. with, in 5 He ____ in New York City. His parents _____ in Dallas. lives, live 6 Peter _____ TV in his free time. likes watching 7 ____ from America? Yes, I am. Are you 8 _____ is his job? He is a manager. What 9 Is Marys landlord British? _____ No, he isnt. 10 Maria often has a walk with _____ parents in the morning. her 1 Helena is _____. Greek 2 Carla works ______. for the government 3 Yuri likes ______ in his spare time. playing football 4 Eric is from _____. Germany 5 Eric and Barbara have got a flat in ______. Frankfurt 6 Eric is a _____.doctor 1 Im _34 years old. 34 2 My room number is _302 . 302 3 His telephone number is _2170569 . 2170569 4 Her flight number is CA _2408 . 2408 第2单元参考答案 1 pl _e _a sed pleased 2 sh _a me shame 3 enj _o _y enjoy 4 st _a _r t start 5 coll _e _a gue colleague 6 sandwi _c _h sandwich 7 res _e _r vation reservation 8 si _n _g le single 9 cant _e _e n canteen 10 us _u _a lly usually 1 A: Pleased to meet you. _____? B: Fine. ______? How are you, And you 2 I _____ watching TV, but Peter ______. like, doesnt 3 He ____ a _____ film on TV. sometimes watches, / 4 A: Whens breakfast? B: Its ______ a quarter past seven. at 5 They always drink coffee _____ the evening. in 6 A: ____Diana have a new car? B: _____. She has one. Does, Yes, she does 7 Its ______ two. Lets begin our class. half past 8 Mary usually takes a nap _____ 1.00 _____ 1.45 in the afternoon. from, to9 A: _____bring some sandwiches to me, please? B: _____. Could you; Certainly 10 A: _____ to play ping-pong with me? B: Yes,


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