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Chapter 7 流量计
Flow is the movement of a fluid in a channel or in open or closed conduits. The flow rate is the quantity of matter, in volume or weight, that flows in a unit time. Flow rate is measured in all energy and mass transport processes to control or monitor those processes and for metering purposes----for example, water, gas, gasoline(汽油), diesel (柴油) and crude oil (原油). Chapter 7 Flow rate measurement Importance of flow rate measurement: - 可以对流动介质的生产操作和控制提供依据 - 可以通过控制流量来确定配比、耗量 - 可以进行经济核算,了解一段时间流过的介质总量 Meter for flowrate measurement is called flowmeter。 7-1 Basic concept of flow rate 体积流量(Volume flow rate), ,单位为m3/h或L/s, 质量流量(Weight flow rate), ,单位为t /h或kg/s, 在一段时间内流体的体积流量或质量流量的累积值称为累积流量(Cumulating flow rate),表达式为: 和 二 节流(obstruction)式 流量计即差压流量计(differential pressure flowmeter) 测量流量的方法很多,按照国家标准制造的标准节流装置的流量系数计算公式是相当完备的,所以它是一种可靠性和标准化较高的流量传感器,所以在工业中大量使用差压式流量计。 差压流量计(Differential Pressure flowmeter) 的组成 差压式流量计由节流装置、信号管路和差压变送器组成,如p.98页图5-2所示。 节流装置(obstruction):安装于管道中产生差压,节流件前后的差压与流量成开方关系。 信号管路(pressure pipe):将节流装置前后产生的差压传送给差压变送器。 差压变送器(transmit):将节流装置前后产生的差压转换为标准电信号 (4-20mA) 节流式流量计(Flowmeter base on obstruction) 所谓节流(obstruction)装置,就是在管道中段设置一个流通面积比管道狭窄的孔板(Orifice plate)或者文丘里管(Venturi tubes ),使流体经过该节流装置时,流束局部收缩,流速(velocity of the flow)提高,压强(fluid pressure)减小。 节流式流量计的缺点是流体通过节流装置后,会产生不可逆的压力损失。另外,当流体的温度t 、压力p1变化时,流体的密度将随之改变。所以必须进行温度、压力修正。 节流装置(Obstruction device)(取压管及内部的节流孔板) Outlook of obstruction device Change of pressure velocity of flow when passing the Orifice plate Orifice plate (节流板)and Orifice unit (节流元件)in flow rate measurement If we introduce in a pipe a plate having a hole (孔板),thereby changing from a cross section A1 (that of the pipe) to a cross section A2 (that of the hole). Because of the principle of mass conservation, a cross-section change results in a corresponding change of velocity. 孔板流量计(Orific