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Imports System.IO Imports System Imports System.threading Imports system.runtime.interopservices Imports System.Text Public Class Form2 #Region dim Dim XX, yy, zz Dim XDATA, YDATA, ZDATA Dim ZANTING As Integer = 0 Dim aaa As Integer Dim a1 As Long, a2 As Long, a3 As Long, a4 As Long Dim ttt As Long Dim yanshi As Integer Dim outbyte(13) As Byte Dim SerReadData(13) As Byte Dim RedCount As Integer Dim mm, mmm Dim SS(1500, 1500) Dim dis As Single Dim all As String Dim a(100000) As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer Dim writer As IO.StreamReader Dim t1 As Thread Dim t2 As Thread Dim t3 As Thread Dim t4 As Thread Dim t5 As Thread Dim t6 As Thread #End Region #Region form Private Function datachange(ByVal AA As Long, ByRef BB As Long, ByRef CC As Long, ByRef DD As Long, ByRef EE As Long) As Integer If 999999 = AA And AA =Then BB = Int(AA / 1000000) CC = Int((AA - BB * 1000000) / 10000) DD = Int((AA - BB * 1000000 - CC * 10000) / 100) EE = AA - BB * 1000000 - CC * 10000 - DD * 100 End If If 9999 = AA And AA = 999999 Then CC = Int(AA / 10000) DD = Int((AA - CC * 10000) / 100) EE = AA - CC * 10000 - DD * 100 BB = 0 End If If 99 = AA And AA = 9999 Then BB = 0 CC = 0 DD = Int(AA / 100) EE = AA - DD * 100 End If If 0 = AA And AA = 99 Then BB = 0 CC = 0 DD = 0 EE = AA End If End Function Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load If Button3.Enabled = True Then Button4.Enabled = False End If If Button14.Enabled = True Then Button15.Enabled = False End If outbyte(0) = HFB


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