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What are they doing? 一. Aims Knowledge aims: What are they doing?They’re doing taijiquan. Enable the students to learn the four skill words::let’s,interesting,thing,people,park,lake,row,boat,men,chess, dragon, hungry get on,lots of,look at 2、Make the students observe things carefully and highlight their ability of using the language creatively. 3、Emotion aims: Make the students love sports. 二.Key points and Difficult points: Key points: 1:句型“What are they doing? They’re┉┉”,并能在情景中进行运用。 2.?动词及动词短语的现在进行时的表达,即ing形式. Difficult points:1.实际情景中语言运用的能力。 2.动词ing形式. 三.Teaching tools:多媒体,录音机,挂图,象棋,水杯,动词和动词短语卡片和图片。 四.Teaching instrumentality:运用多媒体辅助教学。 五.Teaching steps: 1.???Warm up 活动一:Sing an English song 播放歌曲(课堂活动用书)What are you doing?的录音,让学生对这一句型有初步认识。 活动二,口语练习 就学生所学过的内容进行日常交际,目的在于运用语言: T: How are you S:I’m fine ,thank you. And how are you? T:I’m fine, too. T: What are you doing? S:I’m talking to you. 2.Review活动三:词汇复习 A利用课堂活动用书“lake, row a dragon boat, play chess, drink soybean milk, hungry”这六幅图,来让学生猜出图上的人们在干什么,同时也为了复习这些新单词,并让学生模仿这些动作,学生做动作,如,划船、下棋、喝豆浆、肚子饿等动作,使学生学得更容易。Teach:【chess】(look at my mouth and listen to me.) Students:【chess】 yes ,you are good . 竖起大拇指肯定 教学【hungry】单词时,(you say , you say , you say .边摸肚皮边学,有趣。) 教学【park】时出示了美丽的公园图。 教学【noodles】时让学生表演了吃面。 教学【boat】时叫学生做划船动作 B.教师说动词短语,学生做动作,扩充动词短语的练习,教师在黑板上写好两列词,让学生连线并进行问答练习。 Match the phrases 3.Presentation活动四,猜猜看 T:展示课件,带领其他学生问“What are they doing?” S:用主要句型问答:“What are they doing? They’re┉┉” T: Let’s describe the pictures with the sentences in this lesson. 活动五:句子接力 学生五人一组,教师问各组的第一名学生hello,what are they doing?每组的第一名学生回答后转身问后面的学生:what are they doing? 依此类推,每名学生的回答不能与同组前面学生的回答重复,看哪个组最先完成游戏。 T: hello,what are they doing? Talk about the pictures and then answer the question and ask the question one by one. S…. T: Good boy, next one ,please … 活动六:试试看 播放学生用书第一部分的录音,让学生完成听录音选图的练习。 T: Listen to the type and answer the questions. 1.They are rowing . 2.They are playing . 3.They are drinking . 4.They are .(肚子饿的表情) 活动七Let’s p


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