Acidic Physical Constitution and Health.doc

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Acidic Physical Constitution and Health

Acidic Physical Constitution and Health 一、酸性體質乃是罪魁禍首 I. Acidic physical constitution is the root cause of various diseases 健康人的血液是成弱鹼性的,約是pH7.35~7.45左右,嬰兒也是屬於弱鹼性的體質,成長期的成人有體質酸化的現象。With pH values ranging from 7.35~7.45, the blood of healthy individuals or babies is weakly alkaline, but it tends to become acidic starting growth period. 根據一項六百位癌症病人體液分佈的研究,顯示85%癌症病患屬於酸性體質,因此,如何使體質維持在弱鹼性就是遠離疾病的第一步。 A study conducted on 600 cancer patients shows that 85% of the subjects have acidic physical constitution. It is apparent that the first step to keep away from ailments is to stay weakly alkaline. 二、酸性體質的生理表徵 II. Physiological manifestations of acidic constitution 1.皮膚無光澤 lack of skin luster 2.香港腳 athletes foot 3.稍做運動即感疲勞,一上公車便想睡覺 easy to get tired by even moderate exercises; tend to doze off when riding on buses 4.上下樓梯容易氣喘 become short of breath running up or down the staircase 5.肥胖、下腹突出 obesity, belly bulge 6.步伐緩慢、動作遲緩 slow walking gait, slowness in movement 三、為什麼會形成酸性體質? III. How does acidic constitution develop? 1.過度攝取乳酸性食品 1. Having an acid-forming diet (1)肉類、乳酪製品與蛋、牛肉、火腿等皆屬於酸性食品。 (1) Meat, diary products, eggs, beef and ham are considered acid-forming. (2)攝取過量的酸性食品血液會傾向酸性而變黏稠,不易流到細血管 末梢,而易造成手腳或膝蓋的冷寒症,以及肩膀僵硬和失眠等。 (2) Acid-forming foods will induce acidic reactions in blood, turn it thick and sticky, make it difficult for blood stream to circulate through peripheral vascular systems, and result in various symptoms of cold hands, feet and knees, numb and rigid shoulders and insomnia. (3)年輕力壯時吃適量的肉類是對的,但老年人則以蔬菜或小魚為宜。 (3) A diet of meat only suits when we are young and robust. A diet of vegetables and small fist will be more appropriate for the aged. 2.生活步調失常會造成酸性體質 2. A lifestyle contrary to nature will give rise to acidic constitution (1)生活步調失常會造成精神與肉體的壓力。 (1) Unhealthy lifestyle creates mental and physical stress. (2)據統計,晚睡者罹患癌症的機率比正常人高出五倍。 (2) Statistics show that late sleepers are five times more likely to develop cancers. (3)人類本來就活在節奏的世界裡,無法事先儲備睡眠或飲食,也不能 日夜顛倒。 (3) Man,



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