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供应商管理论文:南车株洲电力机车有限公司供应商管理研究 【中文摘要】知识经济时代,企业的竞争越来越是供应链之间的竞争,任何一家企业只有与别的企业组成有效的供应链才有可能取得市场竞争优势,供应商管理作为塑造高绩效供应链的有力武器,其重要性早就被人们所认可。随着南车株洲电力机车有限公司“两步走”发展战略和“两高一低”产品战略的全面实施,研究和加强对供应商的管理,促进供应商不断改进产品质量、保证供应和降低成本,让供应链更好的适应公司用户越来越高的要求,已成为一个十分现实而迫切的课题。笔者在多年供应商管理工作经验的基础上,通过调查研究和资料收集,借鉴轨道交通装备制造行业国际知名公司的供应商管理经验,结合战略联盟、全面质量管理和委托代理等相关理论,对南车株洲电力机车有限公司供应商管理的现状进行了客观分析,针对存在的问题提出了具体的应对措施。本文提出了南车株洲电力机车有限公司供应商分类及其关系管理的指导方针,供应商推荐、审核、评价,供应商动态管理、风险评估、质量控制及改进,供应商培育及延伸管理等的工作策略。 【英文摘要】In the age of knowledge economy, supply chain is becoming the most important factor of the competitions between enterprises. Any enterprise has to build up an effective supply chain with other enterprises in order to obtain the advantage in market competition. Supplier Management is widely approved as a powerful tool in creating high efficient supply chain. In ZELC, with the implementation of development strategy of “two steps” and the product strategy of “better quality, greater efficiency and lower cost”, it has become a practical and urgent topic to research and strengthen the supplier management and to promote the suppliers to improve their product quality continuously, ensure supply and reduce costs, letting the supply chain meet the growing demands of corporate users further.On the basis of years experience of supplier management, via researches and data collection, referring the experience of the supplier management of the well-known international companies of rail-transportation equipment manufacturing industry, combining the related theory of strategic alliance, total quality management and agency by agreement, the author made an objective analysis of the supplier management status in ZELC at the meantime, put forward specific measures for previous problems. This paper includes the guideline of supplier classification and relationship management in ZELC as well as the work strategies of the recommendation, review, evaluation, dynamic management, risk assessment, quality control, quality improvement, tra


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