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台灣物理治療史 學生:黃正雅 健康照護科學研究所 授課老師:楊倍昌 教授 日期:2005/06/10 A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Hippocrates (460 BC-377BC) Physical therapy, known in some countries as physiotherapy, had its beginnings in Hippocrates time.?The ancient Greeks understood that the capacity to move is a vital element of health and well being and today, physical therapy is an essential part of health services delivery systems around the world. 何謂物理治療 物理治療係利用聲、電、水、冷、熱、力、光等物理因子(physical agents)來預防、鑑別、評估、治療病患的醫療專業,有別於藥物或手術治療。物理治療的主要治療內容可以用5方面來概括,包括:功能訓練、運動治療、儀器治療、徒手治療與科技輔具。 The aim of physical therapists is to identify and maximise human movement potential within the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, in partnership with their clients.? Philosophical Statement on Physical Therapy Physical therapy is a health profession whose primary purpose is the promotion of optimal human health and function through the application of scientific principles to prevent, identify, assess, correct or alleviate acute or prolonged movement dysfunctions. Physical therapy encompasses areas of specialized competence and includes the development of new principles and applications to more effectively meet existing and emerging health needs. Other professional activities that serve the purpose of physical therapy are research, education, consultation and administration. 物理治療的治療對象 治療對象則涵蓋四大類 急性病患:如開心或開胸手術後、骨科手術後、運動傷害或職業傷害、加護病房等 慢性病患:如復建科、骨科、神經科、整形外科、風濕科、疼痛科、小兒科、婦產科、腫瘤科等個案 長期復健者:如機能損傷者、失能者、身心障礙者等 需疾病預防與保健者:如高齡人口、高危險群新生兒、運動員或高危險職業傷害工作者、孕婦及產婦等。 Origins of Physical Therapy Granger described how physical measures were used in ancient civilizations to relieve pain and improve functions. Massage was used by the Chinese in 3000 B.C., described by Hippocrates in 460 B.C., modified by the Romans, and accepted as a scientific procedure in the early 1800s. Techniques of muscle re-education developed from this evolution. Hydrotherapy w
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