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赣州“三江源”区域生态环境重构控制技术集成与示范 子课题:农业面源污染控制技术集成 ---农林作物主要病虫害生物防控技术研究 项目实施方案 一、目的意义 农业面源污染是指在农业生产活动中,氮素和磷素等营养物质、农药及其他有机或无机污染物质,在降水或灌溉过程中通过农田地表径流、壤中流、农田排水和地下渗漏进入水体而形成的地表和地下水环境污染主要包括化肥污染、农药污染、畜禽粪便污染等。农业面源污染的危害除水环境污染土壤污染外,还包括农产品质量安全、大气污染等。 农业面源污染主要来自农业生产中广泛使用的化肥、农药、农膜等工业产品及农作物秸秆、畜禽尿粪、农村生活污水、生活垃圾等农业或农村废弃物。农业面源污染水环境土壤农产品质量安全,直接危害人类健康。推广使用生物农药减少农药施用量来防治农业面源污染从生态的角度采取病虫害综合减少化肥农药的使用农业面源污染 二、研究目标 (一)明确农药对赣州农业面源污染水环境土壤农产品质量安全病虫害综合病虫害综合农业面源污染 水稻主要病虫害病虫害综合病虫害综合从生态的角度采取病虫害综合生物农药的推广减少农药的使用农业面源污染2014年明确各参加分工,方案病虫害综合病虫害综合水环境土壤农产品质量安全病虫害综合历时年形成一整套农业面源污染的关键控制技术与控制面源污染的示范技术, grass-roots party and members team construction, anti-corruption construction, thought political work, group mission work,   For the development of various undertakings in our team played a political role. A level newly promoted party building, and conscientiously implement the principle of democratic centralism, in accordance with the collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual consultation, decided to principles of procedure decision, where the triple a through collective discussion and decision. Convene a special democratic meeting on time. Team members closely around economic development, structural adjustment, livelihood projects and the partys construction through grassroots, United items, visit the staff activities. In accordance with the selection and appointment of party and Government leading cadres under the regulations of work principles and procedures for selecting and appointing cadres, and 15 year-round promotion and adjustment of the middle-level cadres. The cadre supervision work carried out policies focused on educational activities, the Party Committee team carefully studied the relevant documents, given a test, writing a learning experience. Organization of party members and cadres to watch the fighting there was no end of educational CDs. The end of the 44 team progress under the middle-level cadres, and accepted the assessment evaluation of cadres and workers, of whom 14 were midd



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