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12-13学年新目标七年级下学期Unit9试题 Class: Name:    Marks: (满分100分) . 完形填空 (10分) My friend Tina had a busy weekend. 16 the weather is getting warm, she wanted to buy some 17 clothes on Saturday morning. After a quick breakfast, she 18 with her mother. She bought a beautiful red 19 and a white T-shirt. They were very cheap (便宜). She only 20 150 yuan on them. In the afternoon, she went to visit her 21 with her father. Her grandmother said she was very beautiful in the new skirt. In the 22 she did her homework because she 23 to go on a trip with her friends on Sunday. The next morning, she got up early. She went to the mountain near their town and had a 24 time with her friends. Though (尽管) she 25 very tired, she was very happy. ( )16. A. So B. Because C. But D. If ( )17. A. cool B. warm C. hot D. beautiful ( )18. A. went for a walk B. went swimming C. went shopping D. did some reading ( )19. A. jacket B. skirt C. hat D. sweater ( )20. A. took B. got C. bought D. spent ( )21. A. uncle B. aunt C. grandparents D. friend ( )22. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. day ( )23. A. wanted B. enjoyed C. remembered D. gave ( )24. A. bad B. long C. best D. good ( )25. A. is B. was C. were D. are 三. 阅读理解 (20分) A It is Monday today and it is lunchtime now. Some students are talking about how their week- end was when they are eating. David said he went to the movies on Saturday. He saw a new movie White Vengeance. It is an action and history movie. He liked it very much. Ted also had a good weekend. He went to the zoo with his little brother. They saw a new baby panda there. But Mary’s weekend was a little boring. She stayed at home and did some cleaning because the next weekend is her mother’s birthday and they will have a birthday party at home. Jane looks a little tired because she went to the mountains with her friends


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