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专题十二 构词法 一、合成法 合成法是把两个或两个以上的单词合成一个新单词的构词法。有的可以直接写在一起构成一个新单词,还有的在词与词之间用连字符“-”或空格隔开构成一个新单词,把这个词通常叫做复合词。 二、转化法 转化法是由一种词类转化为一种或几种词类的构词法。这种构词法词形没有改变,转化后的单词在意义上通常与原单词有密切联系。 三、派生法 派生法是英语主要的构词法。此方法是借助于前 缀或后缀,制造出派生词,主要有名词、形容词和动词三种。 1.前缀构词法 前缀是加在一个词根前面的音节,它并不是独立的单词,但本身有一定的含义,它不改变词性,但改变原词义。 2.后缀构词法 后缀是加在一个单词后面的音节,它本身一般也有一定含义,能够改变单词的词性,有的也可以改变词义。 备注:以上三种构词法的具体例子见《记忆有道》中的构词法记忆部分。   用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Her preparation course is helping her to get used to academic academy requirements of a Western university. 2.A fireman accidentally accident discovered the cause of the fire. 3.It cost approximately approximate 300—I can’t remember it exactly. 4.Beggars beg can’t be choosers. 5.Other disabled people find the website beneficial benefit because they can read about people with similar difficulties to their own. 6.She glanced casually casual through a magazine as she waited. 7.He quit playing competitive compete football at the age of 24. 8.The café has a relaxed continental continent feel about it. 9.The man standing there is a distinguished distinguish novelist and philosopher. 10.It is a dramatic drama story about an invasion of the Earth by aliens from Mars. 11.The teachers are very enthusiastic enthusiasm and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. 12.Building a new factory there would be environmentally environment disastrous. 13.Yesterday we held a ceremony to welcome the honorable honor soldiers who just came back from Wenchuan. 14.Tourists shouldn’t miss the 103 bus which offers one of the most impressive impress routes. 15.You should loosen loose up your muscles before playing any sport.


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