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双梁桥式起重机使用说明书 No. 82, East Gonghe Road, Zhangshu, Jiangxi, China Tel: +86-795-7333014 7364569 Fax: +86-795-7364566 Email: jxqz88@ 目录 Contents 主要用途与适用范围 Ⅰ. Main Application and Scope of Application …..…………………(1) 产品适用的工作环境和工作条件 Ⅱ. Applicable Working Environment and Conditions………………(1) 产品的工作原理 Ⅲ. Working Principle ….……………………………………………(2) 产品的主要结构 Ⅳ. Product Structure…………………………………………………(3) 安装与调试 Ⅴ. Installation and Commissioning…………………………………(11) 使用与操作 Ⅵ.Usage and Operation.……………………………………………(27) 维护与保养 Ⅶ. Maintenance………………………………………………………(33) 常见故障及排除方法 Ⅷ. Common Faults and Resolution…………………………………(47) 附件及易损件 Ⅸ. Accessories and Wearing Parts…………………………………(50) 一、主要用途与适用范围 Ⅰ Main Application and Scope of Application QD型电动双梁桥式起重机是根据中华人民共和国GB/T14405-93《通用桥式起重机》及GB3811-83《起重机设计规范》设计制造,采用了新标准、新技术,该产品与双梁小车配套使用,是一种有轨运行的系列化起重机械,具有许多优点,如结构紧凑、起重能力大等,是改善劳动条件、提高劳动生产率的有力工具。因此,在工厂、矿山、码头、仓库、货场等许多部门有着广泛的用途。 QD type electric double-beam bridge crane is designed and manufactured with the new standard and technology in accordance with the national standards of GB/T14405-93 “General-purpose Overhead Crane” and GB3811-83 “Design Rules for Cranes”. This product is used together with the double-beam trolley and is a series lifting machinery which travels on the rail. It has many features such as compact structure and large lifting capacity, and is the effective tool for improving the working conditions and raising labor productivity. Therefore, the product has been widely used in the factories, mines, docks, warehouses, freight yards, stores and so on. 二、产品适用的工作环境和工作条件 Ⅱ Applicable Working Environment and Conditions 本系列产品适用于一般用途、工作级别为A2~A6,工作环境温度为-250C~400C;它不适宜于有爆炸危险、火灾危险和充满腐蚀性气体的介质中以及相对湿度大于85%的场所,也不适宜用于吊运熔化金属和有毒、易燃、易爆物品,工作条件超过上述范围及有特殊要求时,经供需双方协商,可以特殊定货。 The series of products are applicable to the general purpose and the working level is A2~A6, and the working temperature is -25-40 ℃. It i


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