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第一章 1、制冷系统的组成及各自作用。 a compressor, a condenser, a metering device (throttling device, decreasing temperature device), and an evaporator. Any components beyond them are called accessories. 压缩机、冷凝器、设备(节流装置,降温装置)和蒸发器,除此以外的任何部件都是辅助设备。 The compressor is a vapor compression device which uses pistons or some other parts to compress the refrigerant vapor from low pressure to high pressure, and send it to the condenser. 压缩机是蒸汽压缩设备,使用活塞或其他部件把制冷剂蒸汽从压缩到,并把压缩气体排到冷凝器。The condenser is a heat exchanger which removes heat from the hot compressed refrigerant vapor and allows it to condense into a liquid. 冷凝器是一个热交换装置,在冷凝器里热量从压缩的制冷剂蒸汽释放出来,使制冷剂冷凝成液体。 是来降低温度一种装置。它的一般功能是引起压降和制冷剂的温度下降,并限制制冷剂的流量系统中循环。 The evaporator is a heat exchanger which removes heat from the warmer room air to the refrigerant and allows the refrigerant to evaporate into vapor. The refrigerant will evaporate inside tube of the evaporator. The room air is sucked through the evaporator coil and fins, which is cooled by the evaporating refrigerant vapor through the fins of the evaporator. 蒸发器是一个把室内空气热量转移到制冷剂并且把制冷剂蒸发成气体的热交换装置制冷剂在蒸发器内蒸发。室内空气蒸发器盘管,蒸发器制冷剂蒸发冷却。Definition of Refrigeration 制冷的定义 Literally, the word “refrigerate” is to make or keep cool or cold; to preserve (food, biologicals, etc) by keeping cold and freezing, as in Webster’s New World Dictionary, 从字面意义上而言,制冷就是变凉变冷从而保存食物和生物制品等。在Webster的世界词典中把制冷定义为保持寒冷、结冰。 Scientifically, there are several similar definitions of “refrigeration”, such as the following: 关于制冷科学的几种相似定义如下: “Refrigeration” is used to maintain a chamber at a lower temperature than those of its surroundings (in The Penguin Dictionary of Physics). 制冷是为了把一个间的温度维持在比周围环境低。 According to ASRE (American Society of Refrigeration Engineering), refrigeration is defined as the science of providing and maintaining temperatures below that of surroundings. 根据ASRE(美国制冷工程协会),制冷被认为是一种提供并维持比周围环境低的一门学科。 The science and art of refrigeration is concerned with the cooling of bodies or fluid to temperatures lower than those


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