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摘要: 托福阅读文章内容多种多样,大多来自当时的生活内容,所以考生在备考时要尽可能多张望一些托福阅读素材,尤其是与事实相关的,今天为大家分享托福阅读素材:自动驾驶汽车在美国上牌。 美国内华达州机动车管理部门近日向谷歌颁发了首个自动驾驶汽车牌照,以进一步检验此类车辆在实际道路驾驶中的性能。该汽车牌照为红色,上面用无限大符号∞来与其它车辆进行区分。如果进展顺利,自动驾驶汽车有望于三到五年内面市。届时,自动驾驶车辆的车牌将会定为绿色。 据介绍,自动驾驶汽车其实是用自动驾驶仪来控制车辆,不需要人类驾驶员有任何操作,也不会像人类驾驶员那样容易分神。安装在车顶和保险杠上的激光雷达可以随时监测车辆周边行人和车辆的情况,并会在各类障碍物与车辆之间形成一个虚拟的缓冲区域,以使车辆能够安全避开。 Department of Motor Vehicles officials said Monday theyve issued Google the nations first license to test self-driving cars on public streets. Nevada drivers could soon be sharing the road with vehicles that dont need them. Department of Motor Vehicles officials said Monday theyve issued Google the nations first license to test self-driving cars on public streets, after conducting demonstrations on the Las Vegas Strip and in Carson City that show the car is as safe — or perhaps safer — than a human. It gets honked at more often because its being safe, said Nevada DMV Director Bruce Breslow. Self-driving vehicle technology works like auto-pilot to guide a car — in this case a modified Prius — with little or no intervention from a human operator. Laser radar mounted on the roof and in the grill detects pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicles, creating a virtual buffer zone around the obstacles that the car then avoids. While some envision the robotic car dropping off its operator at the front of the mall and hunting for a parking spot on its own, Breslow said not so fast. Nevadas regulations require two people in the test cars at all times. One person is behind the wheel, while the other person monitors a computer screen that shows the cars planned route and keeps tabs on roadway hazards and traffic lights. 这就是今天为大家准备的 托福 阅读备考资料的简单介绍,同学如果需要完整版的 托福阅读 素材:自动驾驶汽车在美国上牌可以点击下面的立即下载按钮获取,另外我们还为大家准备了更多的 托福备考 资料,欢迎大家下载。 相关推荐: PBT托福阅读真题全套打印版 新老托福阅读对比 新托福一遍通阅读应试指南基础版.pdf 相关字
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