考研单词由少到多记忆 有助提高信心.doc

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考研单词由少到多记忆 有助提高信心

a I as at be by do go he hi if in it me my no of on or ox so to TV up us we act add age ago Aid Aim Air All and ant any apt arm art ash ask awe axe bad bag ban bar bat bay bed bee beg bet bid big bin bow box boy bud bug bus but buy cab can cap car cat cop cow cry cue cup cut dam day dew die dig dim dip dog dot dry due dye ear eat ebb egg ego end era eve eye fan far fat fax fee few fit fix flu fly fog for fox fry fun fur gap gas gay get god gum gun gut guy ham hat hay hen her him hip his hit hop hot how hug hum hut ice ill ink inn its jam jar jaw jet job jog joy jug key kid kin kit lab lad lag lap law lay leg let lid lie lip log lot low mad man map mat may May mix mob mud mug nap net new nod nor not now nut oak oar odd off oil old one opt ore our out owe owl own pad pan pat paw pay pea pen per pet pie pig pin pit pop pot pub put rag rap rat raw ray red rib rid rim rip rob rod rot row rub rug run sad saw say sea see set sew sex she shy sin sip sir sit six ski sky sly sob son sow spy sue sum sun tag tan tap tar tax tea ten the tie tin tip toe ton too top tow toy try tub tug two use van via war wax way web wet who why win wit yes yet you zip zoo bit able ache acid acre Ally Also Amid arch area army atom aunt auto away axis baby back bait bake bald ball band bang bank bare bark barn base bath beam bean bear beat beef beer bell belt bend best bias bill bind bird bite blow blue blur boat body boil bold bolt bomb bond bone book boom boot bore born boss both bowl brim brow bulb bulk bull bump burn bury bush busy cafe cage cake call calm camp cape card care cart case cash cast cave cell cent chap chat chef chew chin chip chop cite city clap claw clay clip club clue coal coat cock code coil coin coke cold comb come cook cool cope copy cord core corn cost cosy crab crew crop crow cube curb cure curl damn damp dare dark dash data date dawn dead deaf deal dean dear debt deck deed deem deep deer defy deny desk dial diet dine dirt disc dish dive dock doll dome doom door dorm dose d



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