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ABB 油浸式变压器技术数据 Specification of ABB Oil Immersed Transformer 三相全密封式油浸自冷式变压器和油浸式电力变压器,能适用于室内或室外安装,绝缘等级为A级。 Both 3-phase Hermetically Sealed Oil Immersed Distribution Transformer and Oil Immersed Power Transformer are suitable for outdoor and indoor installation, insulation class A. 符合标准及技术协议 Standard and Tech. Agreement 符合GB1094.1~2-1996,GB1094.3-2003,GB1094.5-2008,GB/T6451-2008 According to GB1094.1~2-1996,GB1094.3-2003,GB1094.5-2008,GB/T6451-2008 合同编号和客户名称 型号Type S10-M-2000/10 数量Quantity 台Set / 相数Number of Phase 3 频率Frequency Hz 50 容量Rating kVA 2000 电压比Voltage Ratio kV 10/0.4 分接范围Tapping On % 2×2.5% 冷却方式Cooling Method ONAN/ONAF ONAN 最大系统电压Highest System Voltage kV 12/- 工频耐压Power Frequency Withstand Voltage kV 35/5 额定冲击电压Rated Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage kV 75/- 连接组别Vector Group Dyn11 空载损耗No Load Loss kW 2.28 负载损耗Load Loss At 75℃ kW 18.5 短路阻抗Short-circuit Impedance   % 5.5 声压级Noise Level dB 59 线圈材料Winding Material 铜 颜色Painting color RAL7035 浅灰色 封闭罩型式 A、B、C、D、E型 Bushing House type A、B 接线盒Terminal Box 是/否 Yes/No 否 变压器油Transformer Oil Type 45# 非常规试验要求Special Test 否 变压器负载类型 ①普通配电/②大电机直接起动/③其他 Load types for the transformer ①regular distribution/ ②start up of big engine/③others 若Please provide the related information if using big engine ①普通配电 变压器安装位置和运输通道对尺寸和重量有无特殊要求 If any special requirements of the size or weight for location and transportation passage 是/否 Yes/No 否 是否已提供变压器技术文件和参考外形图If the technical documents and the outline drawings of the transformer has been provided 是/否 Yes/No 否 本客户是否有通用技术协议要求If the customer has a general technical requirement 是/否 Yes/No 否 国产有载调压开关电动机构至控制器之间的连接电缆长度 The length of domestic OLTC ’s connecting cable between motor driver unit with controller. 米/m / 包装方法 ①不包装/②简易包装 简易木底座等 /③国内木箱包装/④出口木箱包装/⑤其他 Packing method ①No packing/②wood pallet etc. /③wood packing for domestic/④wood packing for export/⑤others ③国内木箱包装 备注Remarks: 编制: 日期 校核: 1 2 MPT-10-07第3版 MP


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