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产品说明书 型号(PART NO。):QH-5461AB 说明(Description): 发光颜色(Emitted Color):红色 外观颜色(Lens Color):黑、白两色 外形尺寸(Max Size):如结构尺寸图所示 极限参数(Absolute Maximum Ratings) 建议使用驱动检测 (1)黄色(YELLOW) 参数(Parameter) ymbol) (Maximum Rating) nit) ower Dissipation) Pd mW 脉冲电流(Peak Forward Current) Ifp mA 直流电流(Continuous Forward Current) Forward )Current Ifm mA 反向电压(Reverse Voltage) VR 5 V perating Temperature Range) Topr - +80 ℃ 储藏温度(Storage Temperature Range) Tstg - +85 ℃ 静电电压(Static Voltage) Var V (2)绿色(GREEN) 参数(Parameter) ymbol) (Maximum Rating) nit) ower Dissipation) Pd mW 脉冲电流(Peak Forward Current) Ifp mA 直流电流(Continuous Forward Current) Forward )Current Ifm mA 反向电压(Reverse Voltage) VR 5 V perating Temperature Range) Topr - +80 ℃ 储藏温度(Storage Temperature Range) Tstg - +85 ℃ 静电电压(Static Voltage) Var V (3)红色(RED) 参数(Parameter) ymbol) (Maximum Rating) nit) ower Dissipation) Pd mW 脉冲电流(Peak Forward Current) Ifp mA 直流电流(Continuous Forward Current) Forward )Current Ifm mA 反向电压(Reverse Voltage) VR 5 V perating Temperature Range) Topr - +80 ℃ 储藏温度(Storage Temperature Range) Tstg - +85 ℃ 静电电压(Static Voltage) Var V *焊接温度(Lead Sodering Temperature):260℃ for 3 seconds *当工作温度高于25℃时,Ifm,Ifp和Id必须降低;电流降低率是-0.36mA/℃(直流驱动),或-0.86mA/℃ (脉冲驱动)功耗降低率是-0.75mW/℃。产品的工作电流不能大于对应工作温度条件Ifm或Ifp的60%。 For operation above 25℃, The Ifm Ifp Pd must be derated, the Curent derating is –0.36mA/℃ for DC drive and -0.86mA/℃ for Pulse drive, the power dissipation is -0.75mW/℃. The product working current must not more than the 60% of the Ifm or Ifp according to the working temperature. 光电特性(Optical-Electrical Characteristic) 建议使用驱动检测 (1)黄色(YELLOW) 参数(Parameter) (Test CONDITING) ymbol) Min Type Max nit) uminous Intensity) mA Iv 70 - 90 Mcd 正向电压 (Forward Voltage) mA VF 1.9 2.5 V 反向电流 (REVERSE Current) VR = 5V IR - - 100 uA eak Wavelength) mA λp 587 - 590 nm 带宽 (Spectral Bandwidth)mA △λ - 5 - nm 查看角度 (View Angle) IF=10mA 2θ1/2 - 60 - Deg. (2)绿色(GREEN) 参数(Parameter) (Test


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