Business Writing_Week Eight 商务英语写作课件 第八周.pptVIP

Business Writing_Week Eight 商务英语写作课件 第八周.ppt

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Business Writing_Week Eight 商务英语写作课件 第八周.ppt

Business Writing (2) Special Request Letters (Lesson 5) Week 8 (April 23-24, 2009) Special Request Letters (SRL) Special Request Letters (SRL) The purposes of SRL: Asking for an appointment; Asking for advice; Requesting free products; Requesting production privileges for commercial use; Asking for an Appointment Why? A business letter is not adequate ! (P87) How? Make your information clear: Who? When? Where? How long? What? Asking for an Appointment Make your schedule flexible and negotiable (Sample 2, P89) Apologize for missing an appointment A note to the party with whom you were to meet; Explaining why; Taking the relationship seriously; Be concise and polite; (Sample 1, P88) Asking for Advice Why? Advice can be used for decision-making ! (P90) How? Indicating your ‘Asking’ letter is a compliment; Expressing your confidence in his or her opinion; Showing your empressement and sincerity; Clarifying your requirements; Asking for Free Products Why? Try first and order later ! (P92) How? Clarify your information in details; Giving a good reason for it (them); Arranging your information attractive: A large order; A potential collaborator; A perspective consumer; 3. Making the receiver respond favorably; Requesting Reproduction Privileges for Commercial Use Why? Franchising ! (P95) How? Designing well; Elaborating on the reasons; Clarifying the benefits for the other party; Making your letter: Convincing; Persuasive; Practice now ! Studying samples: Sample A (P98) Sample B (P99) Sample C (P100) Sample D (P101) Exercises 1 (P102) Exercises 2 (P103) Exercises 3 (P104) Your Assignment for Week 8 Exercises 7 (P105) Requirements: Typed; One page limited (A4); Words: 100 (minimum) to 200 (maximum) Hand-in Date: April 29 - 30, 2009; Your score will be considered for your final achievement at this term; Business Writing (2) Week 9 (April 30 – , 2007) Review Lesson 5 The ty


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