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三河市2010~20学年度学期120分,考试时间为120分钟) 说明:1.答卷前,请将密封线内的项目填写清楚,密封线内不要答题。 2.用蓝、黑色墨水或蓝、黑色笔芯圆珠笔在试卷上直接答题。 3.全卷120分中有5分为全卷的书写分,要求书写规范、工整、美观,卷面整洁。 题号 选择 填空 阅读 写作 书写 总分 一 二 三 四 得分 第一部分 基础知识及其运用(23分) 得分 评卷人 一、选择题(每题2分,共12分) 1.下面加点字注音全对的一项是( ) A.阻遏(yè ) 仄歪(zè ) 瓦砾(lì ) 箱箧(qiè ) B.疮疤(chuāng ) 颓唐(tuí ) 凹凼(dàng ) 取缔(dì ) C.文绉绉(zhōu ) 推崇(chóng ) 镂空(lóu ) 伧俗(cāng ) D.翩然(piān ) 蟾蜍(yú ) 追溯(sù ) 藩篱(fān ) 2.词语书写无误的一项是( ) A.草长莺飞惟妙惟肖聚山林物竟天择五彩斑3.下面加点的字词解释完全准确的一项是( )A.晓雾将歇:休息 B.: C.念无与为乐者:念头 D.:4.下面句子括号中应填词语依顺序最恰当的一组是( ) 湖上影子,惟长堤一( )、湖心亭一( )、与余舟一( )、舟中人两三( )而已。 A.点 痕 芥 粒 B. 痕 点 芥 粒 C.粒 点 痕 芥 D. 芥 点 痕 粒 5.下面说法不正确的一项是( ) A.《苏州园林》的作者是叶圣陶,他是我国著名的教育家。 B.《渡荆门送别》是选自《李太白全集》一首五言律诗。 C.《记承天寺夜游》的作者苏轼是“唐宋八大家”之一,他与文学成就也很高的父亲苏洵和弟弟苏辙被称为“三苏”。 D.《使至塞上》是杜甫以监察御史身份出使边塞时所作。 ..,,盖竹柏影也。(苏轼《记承天寺夜游》).()(分) 得分 评卷人 (二)阅读下面文字,回答文后问题。(分)(分)(分). position-related consumption of civil servants has been swept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position-related consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement, corruption is important. Then, under the conditions of market economy, how to reform the existing civil duty consumption management, explores a source to prevent and curb the post consumption corruption way, is currently a major issue faced by honest work.   Recently, I conducted research on this issue, this problem on some humble opinions. First, the existing public servants duty consumption the main problems seen from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, public servants duty consumption caused by the abuses and not a person of integrity, is one of the major problems in the party in Government, its operation order have a negative effect on the party and Government organs, seriously damaging the image of the party and the Government, undermining the relationship between party and the masses, effect, openin


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