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Episode 01.A Hard Days NightThe game, they say a person either has what it takes to play or they dont. My mother was one of the greats. Me, on the other hand, Im kind of screwed.对于外科医生的工作,人家说你可能会乐在其中与或者不是。我妈妈是其中最优秀的。我,则是另一面,我有几分沉醉。So...I made it through my first shift. We all did. The other interns are all good people. Youd like them...I think. I dont know, maybe. I like them. Oh, and I changed my mind. Im not gonna sell the house. Im gonna keep it. Ill have to get a couple of roommates, but...its home, you know?那么...我通过了我的第一次轮班。我们都做到了。其他的实习医生都是不错的人,你也会喜欢他们。。。我想。我不知道,或许吧。我喜欢他们。哦,我改变主意了,我不会把房子卖掉了,我要留着它。我要去找两个室友,但。。。那是家,你明白吗?
Episode 02.The First Cut Is the Deepest(Begging)Its all about lines. The finish line at the end of residency. Waiting in line for a chance at the operating table. And then theres the most important line--the line separating you from the people you work with. It doesnt help to get too familiar to make friends. You need boundaries between you and the rest of the world. Other people are far too messy. Its all about lines. Drawing lines in the sand, and praying like hell no one crosses them.所有这一切都是关于“线”的。线的终点是实习期的结束,接着排成直线来等待机会上手术台。然后是最重要的那条“线”--将你和你的同事们隔开。界限并没有帮助我熟悉周围或是结交朋友。在你和这个世界之间,你需要一个分界线。其他人都忙的一团糟。一切都是关于“线”的。在沙子上画线,然后拼命祈祷没有人去踩坏它们。(Endding)So you can waste your life drawing lines, or you can live your life corssing them. But there are some lines...way too dangerous to cross. Heres what I know. If youre willing to take the chance...the view from the other side...is spectacular.所以你可以用尽一生去画无数的线,也可以跨越这些线去好好生活。可那总有一些线,和非常危险无法越过的路。这就是我所知道的。如果你愿意去尝试另一面的风景,将令你着迷。
Episode 03.Winning a Battle, Losing the War(Begging)We live out our lives on the surgical unit.7 days a week,14 hours a day. Were together more than were apart. After a while, the ways of residency become the way of life. Number one--always keep score. Number two--do whatever you can to outsmart the other guy. Number three--dont make friends with the enemy.我们的生活大多数都在外科病房里度过,一周