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GMDSS英语阅读练习1 一、缩略语 1、GMDSS A:Global Maritime Distress and Safety System 全球海上遇险与安全系统 B:Global Maritime Distress and SafeSystem 全球海上遇险与安全系统 C:Global Maritine Distress and Safety System 全球海上遇险与安全系统 D:Global Maritime Distress and Safety System 全球海上遇险系统 2、INMARSAT A:International Mobile Satellite Organization 国际海事卫星组织 B:International Maritime Satellite Organization 国际移动卫星组织 C:International Maritime Satellite Organization 国家海事卫星组织 D:International Maritime Satellite Organization 国际海事卫星组织 3、POR A:Pacific Ocean Region 大西洋区 B:Pacific Ocean Region 太平洋区 C:Pacific Ocean Region 印度洋区 D:Pacific Ocean Region 北冰洋区 4、DSC A:Digital Select Call 数字选择性呼叫 B:Digital Search Call 数字选择性呼叫 C:Digital Selective Call 数字选择性呼叫 D:Digital Searching Call 数字选择性呼叫 5、MSI A:Maritime Safety Information 海上安全信息 B:Mobile Safety Information 海上安全信息 C:Maritime Safe Information 海上安全信息 D:Maritime Signe Information 海上安全信息 二、单选题 1、Which of the following equipments on board is for the COSPAS-SARSAT system? A:DSC B:NAVTEX C:VHF D:EPIRB 2、Please choose the INMARSAT-C NCS ID of the W-AOR: A:044 B:001 C:211 D:144 3、Which service does not the EGC system have? A:Safety NET B:Fleet NET C:SART D:Sending MSI 4、The VHF CH70 could be used to send ______: A:FAX B:DSC C:NBDP D:SSB 5、In each NAVTEX message there is a technical code (B1B2B3B4):which character is the station identification ? A:B1 B:B2 C:B3 D:B3B4 6、The following radio communication systems are used in GMDSS except the INMARSAT system: A:VHF B:VHF MF and HF terrestrial systems C:the COSPAS-ASRSAT system D:the FLAG SIGNAL systems 7、Which equipment is required to be carried in the all sea areas ? A:VHF B:MF C:HF D:SES 8、Where is the INMARSAT’S headquarters? A:China B:The USA C:the United Kingdom D:Canada 9、The Maritime safety information contains _________: A:distress message B:Urgency message C:Distress alert D:Navigational and meteorological warnings 10、Both the satellite commu


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