
1 Fashion and Fashion Industry.ppt

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1 Fashion and Fashion Industry

一、教学目的 The couse aim 培养掌握全球化服装市场的新型人才 具备能够及时获取国际流行趋势信息 掌握国际市场的动向 使学生具备专业与语言的双重能力 二、课程要求 Requirements Finish homework Not be absent discussion 三、课程特点 Highlights of this Course 容纳服装各方面的知识 中英文对照 穿插讨论 The natrue of fashion Fashion is an art Fashion is an science 1.3 the fashion cycle(流行周期) The fashion cycle The term refer to the rise,wide popularity,and declin in acceptance of a style. * * Introduction to Fashion The function of fashion Protection Decoration Identification Other function Hollow fibers(中空纤维) One or more hollow spaces at the center. Greater bulk with less weight Microfibers(超细纤维) Microfibre is a term for fibres with strands thinner than one denier. Soft and drapeable 航天服其实不是服装,而是穿在航天员身上的环境控制与生命保障系统。涉及机械、纺织、化工和测控通信、人机工效、热、电等诸多领域,是“集人类科技之大成的服装”。 Fashion can be viewed as an art because so much creativity is required to make its products. fashion nurtures innovation and creativity. Clothing design has been about one person’s ideas Discussion: Is inspiration enough in the design of fashion? 有浓艳如夏日流金的——太平的嫁衣、朝服,颜色绚烂:最正的大红、耀眼的金色、饱满欲滴的蓝,大唐盛事、女儿芳华;有清新如雨后嫩荷的——小太平、小韦氏的闺中女儿装,嫩嫩的新绿、浅粉、鹅黄,十分春天的颜色正吻合了人生的初春;有如残留隐隐香味风干的玫瑰一般薄脆、干燥的——老年的太平、武则天的服饰,深深浅浅的褐色成了这一年龄时代的主题,带着凉风的秋。 Modern fashion manufacturing was born during the industrial revolution. Withion machines ,clothing could never be mass-produced. Technology has revolutionized the way fashion is made. Clothing production from design to delivery rely on technology. One can not examine the personal element in fashion without talking about customer. Mass customization,like levi’s made-to-order jeans,has taken root in the fashion industry,and may transform the business. *


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