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南京理工大学紫金学院 毕 业 论 文 作 者: 陈慧虹 学 号: 100701301 系 经济管理系 专 业: 国际经济与贸易 题 目: 江苏省丝绸出口贸易的 发展现状及问题研究 指导者: 蔡冬青 讲师 (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者: 马辛 讲师 (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 2014年 5月 毕 业 论 文 中 文 摘 要 摘要:中国的丝绸产业已有五千多年历史,丝织品更是享誉中外,在国际市场上拥有处于垄断地位的优势。江苏省是我国优质丝绸的主要产区,有着悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴,产业链齐全,生产技术发达,被誉为“丝绸之府”。然而,随着国家经济体制的改革,丝绸产业逐渐萎缩,在江苏省经济中的地位逐渐弱化。虽然在全国丝绸产业中,江苏省的丝绸产业优势仍然存在,但如何保持其优势却成为了一个需要重新认识和认真思考的问题。本文首先对我国和江苏省丝绸行业现状进行分析,结合经济全球化为丝绸行业带来的机遇和挑战,分析江苏省丝绸贸易发展的特点及存在的问题,通过SWOT 分析法分析江苏丝绸业的优势、劣势,提出对江苏省丝绸贸易的发展的有关对策建议。 关键词: 丝绸出口 经济全球化 江苏丝绸 对策建议 毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要 Title Study on the development status and problems of silk export trade in Jiangsu province Abstract The silk industry in China has five thousand years of history,it is world-famous and have the advantage of a monopoly in the international market.Jiangsu province is the main production of high quality silk in China, has a long history and profound cultural background, complete industrial chain, advanced production technology, is known as silk house.However, as the countrys economic system reform,silk industry gradually shrink, the status of silk industry of economy in Jiangsu province gradually weakened.Although, The advantage of the silk industry in the country of silk industry in Jiangsu province still exist, but how to keep its advantage has became a questionthat needs recognizing and thinking. This article analyses the present situation of silk industry in Jiangsu province first, combining with the economic globalization brings silk industry opportunities and challenges,analyses the feature of the silk trade development in Jiangsu province and the existing problems, through the SWOT analysis the advantages and disadvantages of Jiangsu silk, puts forward the relevant countermeasures and Suggestions to the development of the


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