
Abstract Nouns.ppt

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Abstract Nouns

Abstract Nouns ——A brief introduction 试翻译 The merits of competition by examination are some what questionable, but competition in the certain knowledge of failure is positively harmful. Disintegration Ardent loyalty Far-sightedness Perfect harmony Impudence Careful consideration Shameless nonsense Total exhaustion With great eagerness Offend public decency Make a little contribution On the verge of destruction Await with great anxiety Total destruction 这些产品在市场上深受欢迎。 没有几年工夫,我把英语全忘了 。 英语的抽象名词主要有三大类 (1)行为抽象名词 (2)品质抽象名词 (3)固有抽象名词 (1)行为抽象名词 从动词派生或转化来的,因而具有动作意义。(一般是动词加动词后缀构成的。) -tion: realization, examination, contribution, organization -sion: decision, conclusion, expression, omission -ment: advertisement, development, achievement, arrangement -ence: emergence, dependence, interference, existence -ance: entrance, resemblance, resistance -ure, pressure, exposure, mixture, closure -ism: criticism, alcoholism, fatalism -al: arrival, removal, denial, withdrawal -ge: knowledge, breakage, leakage 也有从动词直接转化来,不改变原形 dream, love, laugh, change, control, reason etc. 品质抽象名词 这类抽象名词主要从形容词派生而来。由于形容词是对名词起修饰作用的,表示名词的性质、状态等,因此被称为品质抽象名词。由形容词加形容词后缀构成的 -ity: formality, ability, diversity, readability -ness: carelessness, thoughtfulness, business, cleverness -dom: boredom, freedom -th: depth, length, health, warmth -ty: safety, cruelty, beauty -acy: accuracy, delicacy, intimacy, illiteracy -ship: hardship -hood: falsehood, likelihood -ance: ignorance, significance, abundance, resistance -ence: patience, difference, persistence, magnificence -ency: efficiency, sufficiency, fluency, deficiency 固有抽象名词 由英语直接形成的,表达实际生活中的抽象概念。如 For example war, art, music, reason, opinion, thought, etc Why abstract noun, instead of verb structure? To simplify a sentence. [1a] He was disappointed by the fact that the reviewers criticized his play in a hostile manner. [1b] He was disappointed by the reviewers’ hostile criticism of his play. [2a] We were greatly disappointed to find that she was absent.


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