
Chapter5 Acceptance and Offer Fulfillment.ppt

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Chapter5 Acceptance and Offer Fulfillment

Chapter 5 Acceptance and Order Fulfillment Learning focus Understand how buyers confirm orders with sellers by letters Know the requirements for writing an order Be familiar with the process of the acceptation and order fulfillment Section 1 Introduction What is an acceptance? Which qualities does an effective acceptance must be have? Generally speaking, How many main points should an order contain? What is the buyer’s obligations? What is the seller’s obligations? Why accuracy is important in making an order? Which details are the reference to write an order letter or make an order list? Section 2 Specimens Sending a Repeat Order Sending an L/C A Reply Conclusion of a Purchase Confirming an Order Confirmation of a Transaction Let me try Confirming a purchase Conclusion of business Sending a sales contract Section 4 Developing Skills Section 4 Developing Skills Homework Page 58 Exercises 5 Do exercises by yourself Examine after finishing according to the Keys Confirming a purchase 敬启者: 经贵我双方传真往来,现欲确认向贵公司订购天鹅牌白水泥500长吨。供货条件如下: 价格:净装运重量每长吨300英镑 包装:纸袋,每袋净重112磅 质量:卖方保证货品符合英国的相关标准 付款:开立保兑的即期不可撤销信用证,以贵公司为受益人 与贵公司首次交易合作成功,本公司十分欣喜。盼能保持长久互惠的合作关系。 采购部经理 琼斯谨上 Conclusion of business 敬启者: 本公司现欲确认贵我双方往来传真的事项。有关传真之副本附寄本函。 昨日传真告知贵公司,已接获300台星牌缝纫机的订单。随函附上SM534号订单及装运说明。 如蒙从速落实该订单,将不胜感激。任何延迟皆会引起我方客户不便。 现已安排开立信用证,可望于十天内送达贵公司。 经理 玛丽谨上 Sending a sales contract 敬启者: 本公司在考虑了贵我双方近来有关600包一级颗粒橡胶的交易传真文件后,现欲确认有关交易。 兹随函附上第759号销售合同一式两份,敬请连署并寄回副本,以作存档之用。 烦请早日开立有关信用证。 关于追加数量的事宜,本公司正研究供应状况,可望于一周后报价。 销售部经理 陈青谨上 * * Section 3 Practice and Progress Writing principles of acceptance To make an effe


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