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flotherm net page cut

發言人:?konkatcl110? 61.144.207.--- 發表日期:???11-07-03 08:32 请问投影机的灯泡如何建模,参数如何设置,那为大大能为我发个模型吗? 回覆文章 Re: #28783;泡 發言人:?Alesi? 1.176.208.--- 發表日期:???11-11-03 09:21 在這分享一下過去的經驗。 由於燈泡的溫度很高,在計算radiation部分不容易。因此以指定發熱量的方法在projector的模擬上並不容易。 所以在模擬的時候,因此我在模擬時改由以指定溫度的方式來進行。提供你做個參考。 #35831;教#39118;扇的p-q曲#32447;意#20041; 發言人:?szcadking? 61.177.39.--- 發表日期:???09-12-03 19:51 风扇的P-Q曲线里q变化是什么意义?当转速一定,吸风口通道一定时,q为何会变?出风口的通畅情况会影响q么?还是转速会变? 回覆文章 Re: #35831;教#39118;扇的p-q曲#32447;意#20041; 發言人:?wacow? ---..tw 發表日期:???09-15-03 01:13 既然是叫 P-Q Curve,Q 變化,當然是因為背壓不同所致。一般風扇的 P-Q Curve 是風扇單體,在某固定輸入電壓下,量測而得到的。當使用風扇時,風扇所能提供的風量就會看背壓有多少而定。另一個是系統阻抗。風扇的特性曲線和系統阻抗的交點,就是風扇裝在該系統的操作點。至於轉速會不會變?即使在固定輸入電壓下,在不同的背壓下,轉速是會改變的。 發言人:?cesar? 210.21.227.--- 發表日期:???12-22-03 17:08 Who could help me to explain detailedly how to set the heatsink compact model using specified profile? Thank you ! 回覆文章 Re: About heatsink compact model 發言人:?palo? 211.144.87.--- 發表日期:???12-22-03 19:07 flotherm help. 回覆文章 Re: About heatsink compact model 發言人:?Alesi? 1.176.208.--- 發表日期:???12-23-03 09:04 I dont understand your question exactly. If you dont know how to set up Flotherm heatsink component, jusk like Palo mention about, use Flotherm Help. But Flotherm heatsink only provide simple plane fin and pin fin heatsink, if the heatsinks you want to simplify was not one of them, you need to make the compact model by yourself. The trick is the numerical wind tunnel. Using the numerical wind tunnel to get the flow resistance. Then to assign the surface exchange attribute on the heatsink base surface. For detailed information, please visit the Flotherm website. I remember Ive seen a document you required. 回覆文章 Re: About heatsink compact model 發言人:?cesar? 210.21.227.--- 發表日期:???12-23-03 09:44 Thanks alot! But in the specified profile setting, only the thermal resistance can be used,how to set the flow resistance? 回覆文章 Re: About heatsink compact model 發言人:?Alesi? 1.176.208.--- 發表日期:???12-26-03 09:13 Use the Resistance o


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