
The Scotland kilt.ppt

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The Scotland kilt

The Scotland kilt Let everyone to understand The Scotland skirt with Ali . (下面 带大家去了解 苏格兰短裙~) The Kilt Evolves The skirt-like kilt which is familiar to us today evolved around the middle of the 18th century from the more commonly worn and functional belted plaid(in Gaelic, feileadh breacan or feileadh mor, the big kilt). 如今广为人知的短裙般的苏格兰方格呢裙最早出现在18世纪中期左右,是从当时穿着比较普遍又实用的束带格纹呢子披肩(盖尔语称feileadh breacan 或feileadh mor,意思是“大格呢裙”)演变而来的。 The feileadh mor was a longer untailored garment, around five metres in length, which was gathered and then belted at the waist to provide cover for both the upper and lower body. From the waist down, the feileadh mor resembled a modern kilt while the remaining material above the waist was draped over the shoulder and pinned there . 大格呢裙是一种未经剪裁的长款外衣,长约五米,缠绕全身后在腰部扎上束带,可以同时遮盖上下身。从腰部以下看,大格呢裙与现代的方格呢裙类似,而腰部以上的其余布料则搭在肩上并扣牢。 The kilt evolves 方格呢裙的演变 This was reputedly at the behest of an Englishman running an ironworks at Invergarry who felt his kilted employees needed a greater freedom of movement to do their work. Whatever the impetus for change was, the kilt now became a tailored garment with sewn-in pleats, making it neater and far more easy to put on and wear. The upper half of the big kilt evolved into the separate plaid (or sash) which is now worn at more formal events. 据说该设计是应英国因弗格瑞一位钢铁厂老板的要求而做,他认为穿方格呢裙的员工在工作中需要更大的肢体自由。不管变化的原因为何,方格呢裙如今已经成为需量身订制的打褶服装,更为整洁且容易穿着。大格呢裙的上半身则逐渐演变为单独的格呢披肩(或肩带),如今多在较为正式的场合穿着。 The kilt today 今日的方格呢裙 Modern kilts have up to eight metres of material which is thickly pleated at the back and sides, with the pleats stitched together only at the waistband. Fashion designers have also tried to update the kilt and make it appeal to a wider audience by using non-tartan designs such as camouflage and material such as leather. 现代方格呢裙需要长达8米的布料才能制成,身后和两侧都需要打厚褶,而且褶皱只在腰带处缝合。时装设计师也在努力使方格呢裙跟上时代,通过采用无格布料设计,比如采用迷彩风格的布料和皮革布料等,来适应更多人的品味。 谢谢观看 * *


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