unit 8 Providing Explanations.ppt

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unit 8 Providing Explanations

在南京附近的长江畔新建起一座现代化的化纤之城——仪征化纤工业联合公司。在这片方园10平方公里的地方,有500幢住宅楼和风格迥异的公用建筑楼群拔地而起;还有一座座厂房、仓库、水塔、管架高低交错。这是国家在1980年代的重点工程之一。第一期工程于1984年建成投入试生产,现在已进入第二期工程建设。 ??? The Yizheng Synthetic Fiber Complex is a key project which spread out over an area of 10 square kilometers in Yizheng County, northeast of Nanjing,Jiangsu Province. Construction began in the late 1970s,and the first phase went into operation in 1984.The second phase is now at about the halfway mark.? 三、摘译 摘译即摘要翻译,是在通读并吃透原文的基础上,选取重要的部分或段落译出,并放在引号内。有时使用Excerpts are as follows等语句;有时需另加小标题,补充少许衔接性、综合评述性文字。摘要文字简明扼要,重点突出,一目了然。 日本面临严重抉择 ??? 今天是“九·一八事变”65周年。纪念这个日子,重温由此开始的日本帝国主义长达14年的侵华战争,回顾和总结历史经验,对维护和发展中日关系,有着重要的现实意义。 ??? 日本自明治维新以后,走上了对外侵略扩张的道路,奉行臭名昭著的“大陆政策”,妄图吞并朝鲜,侵占中国,称霸亚洲。“九’一八事变”就是日本继发动中日甲午战争之后,以武力实施其大陆政策、进而发动全面侵华战争,变中国为其殖民地的一个重要步骤。在随后的14年中,日本给中国造成了生命财产的巨大损失,中国军民伤亡3500多万人,经济损失达6000多亿美元,中国的大好山河惨遭日军铁蹄躁躏。日本帝国主义对中国人民欠下了无法偿还的历史账。 ? People’s Daily: Japan Faces Political Crossroads ? PEOPLE’S Daily yesterday published a commentary,“Japan Faces Serious Choice,”? to mark the 65th anniversary of the “September 18th Incident”. ? “During the 14 years after the September 18th Incident,the Japanese invaders caused incredible sufferings and loss to the Chinese.The Japanese imperialists owe the Chinese people an immense debt that they can never pay.??? Providing Explanations Why? How? We all know balls can bounce, but have you ever thought about why or how they bounce? Giving Explanations Practice 2: Work with a partner and talk about why or how the following things happen. How do airplanes fly? Why do people sweat? Why does the Earth have different seasons? Why can’t babies walk? Why do people sometimes shake or turn red when they’re nervous? Providing Support for Your Explanation Once you have chosen to give an explanation, you need to support it. You should consider: reasons why something does what it does, or happens the way it happens definitions or descriptions of objects and materia


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