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珀涅罗珀的织物 Lets the meaning of this phrase in this story. She developed a stratagem to delay them against his return: every day she wove the shroud for her father-in-laws eventual burial, and each night she unraveled nearly all the days work. For years, she kept the suitors away until they found out about the unraveling from a servant. They confronted her, and still she declined their posturing, seeking the goddesss protection until Odysseus, in disguise, drew near. Have you got this idea? 英语中的Penelope一词成了a chaste woman(贞妇)的同义词 并产生了with a penelope faith (坚贞不渝)这个短语。 A Penelopes Web 亦作The Web of Penelope,直译为“珀涅罗珀的织物” A Penelopes Web 这个成语比喻the tactics of delaying sth on purpose;the task that can never be finished的意思,指故意拖延的策略或 永远做不完的工作。 the use of the phrase eg: 1, Mr Jones made a long speech at the meeting.Everyone else thought it a Penelopes web 琼斯在会上长篇大论,每个人都认为他是讲不完了。 2, My work is something like the Penelopes web,never done,but ever in hand. 我的工作就像珀涅罗珀织布一样,永远在手里,永远做不完 Tank you! * * Penelope was the wife of the ancient Greek warrior, Odysseus, who fought ten years in the Trojan War and journeyed for more ten years before returning home. Penelope waited forOdysseuss return: during this wait, her son grew to maturity; her mother-in-law, with whom she lived, died of grief, suiciding; and many suitors courted Ithacas queen. Her father-in-law retired to the hills, living among the herders: she, alone, managed the household. As was the custom, the suitors came to her home, exploiting her hospitality, screwing her servants, insulting her son, insisting Odysseus was dead and would never return. 主人公奥德修斯是希腊半岛西南边伊大卡岛(Ithaca)的国王,他有个美丽而忠诚的妻子,名叫珀涅罗珀。奥德修斯随希腊联军远征特洛伊,十年苦战结束后,希腊将士纷纷凯旋归国。惟独奥德修斯命运坎坷,归途中又在海上漂泊了10年,历尽无数艰险,并盛传他已葬身鱼腹,或者客死异域。正当他在外流浪期间,有一百多个来自各地的王孙公子,聚集在他家里,向他的妻子求婚。坚贞不渝的珀涅罗珀为了摆脱求婚者的纠缠,想出个缓宾之策,她宣称等她为公公织完一匹做寿衣的布料后,就改嫁给他们中的一个。于是,她白天织这匹布,夜晚又在火炬光下把它拆掉。就这样织了又拆,拆了又织,没完没了,拖延时间,等待丈夫归来。后来,奥德修斯终于回转家园,夫妻儿子合力把那些在他家里宴饮作


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