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生物情报学Bioinformatics M2011007 NSYSU Spring Semester 2009 How are we going to learn bioinformatics this semester? 2. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis (Second Edition)by David W. Mount; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press How are we going to proceed this 3-hour class? 1. PowerPoint Lecture and Discussion Read or take a look at the PowerPoint before you come to the class 2. Problem-solving Practice Turn-in the answer at the end of this section 3. Two students come up to the front computer to show the summary of how to solve the question How is this course graded? Attendance and Problem-solving practice (15%) Tests (Mid-term and Final: 65%) Final Report (Oral Presentation and Written Report; 20%) Introduction. Part I: Getting Started in Bioinformatics. Part II: A Survival Guide to Bioinformatics. Part III: Becoming a Pro in Sequence Analysis. Part IV: Becoming a Specialist: Advanced Bioinformatics Techniques. Part V: The Part of Tens. Index. Bioinformatics For Dummies, 2nd Edition Part I: Getting Started in Bioinformatics. Chapter 1: Finding Out What Bioinformatics Can Do for You. Chapter 2: How Most People Use Bioinformatics. Part II: A Survival Guide to Bioinformatics. Chapter 3: Using Nucleotide Sequence Databases. Chapter 4: Using Protein and Specialized Sequence Databases. Chapter 5: Working with a Single DNA Sequence. Chapter 6: Working with a Single Protein Sequence. Part III: Becoming a Pro in Sequence Analysis. Chapter 7: Similarity Searches on Sequence Databases. Chapter 8: Comparing Two Sequences. Chapter 9: Building a Multiple Sequence Alignment. Chapter 10: Editing and Publishing Alignments. Part IV: Becoming a Specialist: Advanced Bioinformatics Techniques. Chapter 11: Working with Protein 3-D Structures. Chapter 12: Working with RNA. Chapter 13: Building Phylogenetic Trees. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis (Second Edition) 1. Historical Introduction and Overview 2. Collecting and Storing Sequences
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