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The Pleasure of Reading作者佚名。“在今天这个时代,人的智力发展在越来越大的程度上取决于他是否善于在知识的浩瀚的海洋里辨明方向,是否善于利用知识的仓库——书籍。”(苏霍姆林斯基)“知识是使人类快乐的主要因素。”(罗素)而获取知识的主要途径就是读书。书读得越多,对人生百味便体会得愈浓,愈烈,愈切。很多时候,读书之乐,是一种知识传承,是一种思维享受,是一种情感升华。 All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books but we must know how to avail ourselves of this treasure and how to get the most from it. The most unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good books. I am most interested in people, in them and finding out about them. Some of the most remarkable people I’ve met existed only in a writer’s imagination, then on the pages of his book, and then, again, in my imagination. I’ve found in books new friends, new societies, new words. If I am interested in people, others are interested not so much in who as in how. Who in the books includes everybody from science fiction superman two hundred centuries in the future all the way back to the first figures in history. How covers everything from the ingenious explanations of Sherlock Holmes to the discoveries of science and ways of teaching manners to children. Reading is pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader. Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works along with the author’s or even goes beyond it. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his. Every book stands by itself, like a one family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something, they are connected with each other and with other cities. The same ideas, or related ones, turn up in different places; the human problems that repeat thems


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