Compare and Contrast Similarities and Differences between Different Cognitive Learning Theories.doc

Compare and Contrast Similarities and Differences between Different Cognitive Learning Theories.doc

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Compare and Contrast Similarities and Differences between Different Cognitive Learning Theories

Compare and Contrast Similarities and Differences between Different Cognitive Learning Theories 1. Main Cognitive Theories Learning Theory of Gestalt Psychology Gestalt is a perspective focuses on the belief that human consciousness cannot be broken down into its elements. This approach to psychology was founded on the concept of the gestalt, or whole. Gestalt psychologists led by Max Wertheimer (1880 - 1943), Wolfgang Kohler (1887 – 1967) and Kurt Koffka (1886 – 1941) have made substantial contributions to our understanding of perception. Gestaltists pointed out that perception has meaning only when it is seen as a whole. 1) Gestalt Principles of Learning Learning, to the Gestaltist, is cognitive phenomenon. The learners “comes to see” the solution after pondering a problem. The learner thinks about all of the ingredients necessary to solve a problem and put them together (cognitively) first one way and then another until the problem is solved. When the solution comes, it comes suddenly; that is, the learner gains an insight into the solution of a problem. The problem can exist only in two states: solved and unsolved. There is no state of partial solution in between. So, either solution is reached or it is not; learning to Gestaltists was discontinous. 2) Learning Processes: Insight The trial and error learning is cognitive rather than behavioral. They said that the learners run through a number of hypothesis concerning an effective way to solve a problem. The animal thinks about different possible solutions until it hits on one that works, and then it acts on that solution behaviorally. When the correct strategy is discovered,, insight occurred. The Gestaltists thought that, one must be exposed to all elements of the problem, otherwise its behavior will seem to be blink and groping. The Characteristics of Insightful Learning: (a)The transition from presolution to solution is hidden and complete. (b)Performance based on a solution gained by insight is u


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