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General  knowledge oflife How much    general knowlege do you know? Even the temperature of fridge is cold enough for food storage, the best freshness date for milk is only 4 hours. Vegetable and fruit can not “get along well with” each other in the fridge. We had better not to put them together, which helps the growth of bacteria. With paper dipped in a little toilet water , wipe the receiver and the keys or a mobile phone, telephone, mobile phone can be kept clean.  Put a cup of hot water into the cold water and immersion in cold water, then sprinkle a little salt, which can accelerate the boiling water cooling. 把装有热水的杯子放入冷水中浸泡,然后在冷水中撒上一把盐,这样能加速开水的冷却。 we can use cotton dipped with vinegar to clean the nails, when the vinegar dry and then painted nail polish, nail polish is not easy to fall off.   涂指甲油之前,先用棉花蘸醋把指甲擦干净,等醋干后再涂指甲油,指甲油就不易脱落。 Sweater cuff or collar lost its elasticity, we can soak the cuff or collar in hot water for 20 minutes,its elasticity will be recovered after dried . .毛衣袖口或领口失去了弹性,可将袖口或衣领在热水中浸泡20分钟,晾干后即可恢复弹。   when fried poached egg, drop a few of water around the egg , fried eggs willbe especially delicious. when we wear White  sweater for a long time,it will gradually turn black, cleaning sweaters and refrigerate it for 1 hour, and then dried out, it will be new again. 白色毛衣穿久了会逐渐发黑,将毛衣清洗后放入冰箱冷冻1小时,再取出晾干,即可洁白如新 Thank you .用纸巾蘸少许花露水,擦拭电话机身、听筒及按键或手机,能使电话、手机保持洁净。 煎荷包蛋时,在蛋的周围滴几滴热水,煎好的蛋特别鲜美


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