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高联教育“魔鬼集训营” 英语核心词汇+长难句学习方法 背单词的最好的方式是通过句子、语境、段落背单词,背词根可以,只是考研英语单词背诵的一种手段,但是不能全身心投入到词根+词缀的记忆当中,一切从真题中来,一切还原到真题中去。 以下内容,同学上午7点10分-8点10分背诵,3天内背下所有的词汇,找出每个句子的知识点,并在背诵的过程中分析长难句,翻译成汉语。 例如,如下句子的复习方法 When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isn’t biting her nails just yet. 复习方法:分析知识点、翻译、造句,最终达到记忆和应用的目的。 知识点1:when it comes to……(每个知识点的学习一切为了阅读、一切为了写作,是一个系统工程,该句子是表达了文章的主旨) 用途Reading:(阅读:难度变简,将复杂的事情变得简单) (1)引出主旨topic,该句子的主题是the slowing economy (2)翻译,当提到或谈及到……时 用途Writing:(写作:简单变难,将简单的事情变得复杂) When it comes to (题目),opinions differ.some seem to claim that……,others,however,might contend that ……。(制造抽象的感觉)I am stongly convinced that …… 知识点2:Slowing economy, 考研过程中出现过6次,意思完全一样。注意分析slowing,falling,fading,declining ●Slowing:减速的 Slowing economy,考了31年 Slowdown 经济减速 Acceleration 经济加速 ●falling:日益下跌的,越来越低的 [fall—rise] Falling costs 日益下跌的支出或花费 Costs在考研中难度大,而是支出或花费 p23 = Spending P1 Budget 支出 P5 即可以是动词也可以是名词 ●fading adj. 逐渐消失的 Fading competitiveness of U.S. economy Rich economies 发达国家的经济 ●declining adj. 衰退的,走下坡路的(on the decline;on the rise) 知识点3:bite one’s nails 困窘、不知所措、束手无策 Scratch(n/v 挠,搔,抓) one’s head 知识点4:Not just yet 还没有 As yet 到目前为止,专门用于含有否定词的句子里;So far 用于肯定句 请翻译一下: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 学习任务: Unit One 1997-04 No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation. “Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers ??Senator Robert Dole asked Time Warner_ executives last week. “You have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well? 擜t Time Warner, however, surch questions are simply the latest manifestation of the soul searching that has involved the company ever since the company was born in 1990. Its a self examination that has, at various times, involved issues of responsibility, creative freedom and the corporate bott


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