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Earthquake protection Wenchuan earthquake Time: on May 12, 2008 at 14:28 latitude: 31.0 °N Longitude 103.4 ° E. Depth: 33km Magnitude: 8.0 Maximum intensity: 11 degrees The epicenter position: yingxiu town of wenchuan county in sichuan province 69127 people killed 17918 people missing 373612 people injured The affected 4571 million Roads damaged Lose their lives…. After the earthquake struck ruins …. The hands of the child Tens of thousands of people gathered in football playground for the night 72 hours golden relief time are further away from it. However, until the last moment, no one give up -- we all hope for life miracles. 生死相依 Together in life and death the Peoples Liberation Army, the most lovable people! The care from all classes and over the world Volunteers ran to the disaster area Houses cracked, falling down, we can fix. As long as people are here, we are sure that we can overcome these difficulties and overcome this major natural disaster. - prime minister wen jiabao 让我们点燃祈福的烛光…… Every one of us ignite a beam of light, can condense bright …. The lost homes, we can rebuild; but the lost relatives, could never return to our side... The material loss brought by the disaster can be calculated, but the trauma is immeasurable. However,as long as the aids can reach to the people of disaster areas , helping them to regain the life confidence, they can surely have a new start. 地震发生时,关键是保持清醒的头脑,正确的防护对于保证生命安全,减少人员伤亡是至关重要的。通常可能造成危险的是比较强烈的近震。近震常以上下颠簸开始,振动较为明显,应迅速逃生。逃生应遵循就近躲避的原则,注意保护头部。 在室内应先关闭煤气,可暂时躲避在坚实的家具旁或墙角、厨房、卫生间等承重墙较多,跨度较小的地方,注意避开外墙体等薄弱部位,并且可以使用枕头、被子等物,或直接用双手保护头部。躲避在坚固的家具旁能在建筑物倒塌时提供一些空间,而对于规模较小地震,在家具下则能防护掉落物。主震过后,应迅速撤至户外,高层人员应尽量避免乘坐电梯。 在室外可跑向比较开阔的空旷地区躲避,避免聚集在高层建筑及高压输电线下方。如在山区还要注意山崩和滚石,可寻找地势较高处躲避。地震中被埋在废墟下的人员,若环境和体力许可,应设法逃生。如无力脱险自救,应尽量减少体力消耗,等待救援人员到来。 * * *