evolution of chocolate.ppt

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evolution of chocolate

Evolution of Chocolate Evolution n. 进展, 发展, 演变, 进化 the evolution of modern car 近代汽车的发展 the theory of evolution/evolution theory 进化论 Mayan 玛雅人(中美洲) journal of Nature 《自然》杂志 contents 内容, 容量, 目录,成分 biochemist 生物化学家 biochemistry 生物化学 biophysics 生物物理 archaeologist 考古学家 Residue n.残余, 渣滓, 滤渣, 残数, 剩余物 unearth n. 掘出,出土 mass spectrometer 分光计 compound n. 混合物; 化合物 theobromine n. 可可碱 (巧克力的重要成分) Chocolate bar 巧克力块 Pepper 胡椒 Vanilla 香草 Cocoa powder 巧克力粉 Cocoa beans 巧克力豆 Seasoning 调味品;调料 currency 货币 Aphrodisiac 春药 addiction n. 上瘾 Melt 融化 a third-generation French chocolate maker 那个法国巧克力世家的第三代传人 But what surprises scientists is how long this love affair has been going on. 令。。。感到惊奇的是。。。 What surprised me (most) is that she was so diligent. (最)令我惊奇的是她那么勤奋。 But according to a report in the journal of Nature, after analyzing the contents of this ancient Mayan pot, turns out that chocolate dates as far back as 600 B.C.,1,000 years earlier than previously thought. 但根据《自然》杂志刊登的报道,科学家们在分析了古玛雅罐的成分后发现,巧克力的历史可以追溯到更早的公元前600年,这比人们先前认为的早了1000年。 date 追溯到。。。 This statue dates from 500 b.c. 这座雕像可以追溯到公元前 500年 There are other plants in that region that do have theobromine, but none have it as the major compound, and that was what we were able to key on. 在玛雅地区,别的植物确实也含可可碱,但在任何一种植物中,可可碱都不是主要成分,这就为我们提供了线索。 key on 接通 We have been graduated for 10 years, it is the classmates reunion that makes us to key on. * * *


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