The Game Plan-1.doc

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The Game Plan-1

The Game Plan Characters: Joe(Joseph) Kingman: father; Peyton Kelly: daughter; Sara; mother(dead); Karen: aunt; Monique: ballet teacher(possibly stepmother); Stella: the agent Words and Expressions: defining重要的 playoff季后赛 on one准备好 stiff-arm伸手挡 swing鹞子翻身 onion ring洋葱圈 killer smile迷死人的笑容 swamp洋葱嘴 Chicks dig it.美眉使用它 Channel香奈儿 The night is still young.时间还早 We were just bounding.我们是哥们 huddle up!靠拢过来 Z-slant:Z字队形 post pattern退后 profile报道 agility敏捷 hall of famer名人堂 thrill激动,刺激 action figure偶像,公仔 cute可爱的 exceedingly非常 girl scout女童子军 cookies饼干 abs腹部肌肉 give it a shot使劲打 hundo一百元 eight to 80男女老少 humanitarian人道的,任性的 vicious凶猛的 lick舔 dump扔下 sanitation净化 drought-ravaged干旱蹂躏的 weird 怪人,坏人 nope不是的 for argument’s sake为了你好 muffin乖乖 paternity test 亲子鉴定 ditch抛弃 think hard仔细想想 no huddle别拖延 limited edition限量制作的 sneakers运动鞋 horse radish萝卜头 roamimg free safety游卫 cover two掩护 publicity shoot公众露面 sixty-six seam66号接球员 slot left走边 succotash嘴怪怪的 rogue儿童粉丝 nut花生 bliz突袭 carbo-load碳水化合物配方 ratio比例 jell-O果冻 pros(f).职业的 blew down吹倒 porridge粥 lean back后靠 pink nail polish粉指甲油 ballerina bun发髻 pop knuckles扭拗关节 orthopedic高级的 bedazzle炫光亮片 tuna鲔鱼 hustle忙碌 buttonhook直截了当 off limits越界 trick play耍手段 flea-flickers搞假动作 nanny保姆 fries薯条 janitor清洁工 upgrade上升 gas胀气 mop拖把 wagon休旅汽车 throat tickle喉咙发痒 chop快 crunch time紧要关头 heads up准备 getting hang of things慢慢习惯 grand plie深蹲 audition试跳 chin up下巴抬高 gridiron足球金童 live under a rock不懂人间事 with the board抢到篮板 locked up赢定了 growling咕哝 bubble泡沫 yell喊叫 showdown精彩 blocker防守员 bounced out of bounds逼出界外 lounging poolside别墅泳池 divisional分区 in a row连续 mental note牢记在心 hook you up补偿你 take care of照顾 care about关心 dude老兄 chick磨叽 You’re breaking up.信号不清。 call an audible改变战术 think on his feet快速决策 linebacker线卫 creep准备 You look tres.你看上去很美。 gorgeous美极了 hang around约会 swollen膨胀 scrunch your nose紧紧鼻子 work on me影响我 I’m sick of it here.这里的一切我受够了。 You bet.是,一定 bat眨眼 tone-deaf音痴 tight formation紧密队形 razor剃刀阵 smidgen一点点 out of my league我无能为力 hair plugs头发移植 picking you up and dusting you off鼓励你安慰你 shade


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