Unit 2 Food, glorious food.ppt

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Unit 2 Food, glorious food

Starting point Work in pairs and do the questionnaire. Student A asks student B questions like in an interview, for example, Can you tell me whether you ate some fresh fruit yesterday/on Monday/… Do you smoke? Did you smoke any cigarettes yesterday?....... Requirements: Student A should write down the score according to the scoring system. P14 If the answer is “no”, put down zero. Presentation: choose ten Ss to report their scores, item by item. junk food : fried chicken ,sugar ,red meat, burger, instant noodles, chips ,… healthy food : fruits ,vegetables ,fish , meat ,noodles or rice ,dumplings ,… Everyone prefers tasty food, do you know how to cook them? First,you must know some condiments 姜 Ginger 葱 Green onion 辣椒 Chili 花生油 Peanut oil 酱油 Soy sauce 盐 Salt 醋 Vinegar 味精 Monosodium 蒜 Garlic 糖 Sugar 炖、煨焖 Stew 煎炸 Deep-fry 烤 Roast 炒、爆炸 Stir-fry 剁、切 Cut 切成片 Slice 切成丁 Dice 搅打 Mix and beat 搅和拌匀 Mix thoroughly 滤水 Filter the water 削皮 Peel 揉 Knead 擀 Roll 压 Press 挤 Squeeze 撒 Spread 浸蘸 Dip 涂 Paint Role-Play P17 Exercise 8 Student A; Student B; Student C……. Model Student A: Hey, shall we invite some girls from the English department for dinner? Student B: Sounds a good idea! Student C: What do you think of cooking? Student A: How about making some jiaozi? Student B: How do you make jiaozi? Student A: It is made with jiaozi pastry and the filling is pork mince and vegetable. …….. Student C: Sounds delicious! What ingredients do you need to buy? Student A: Well, we need to buy some ready-made jiaozi pastry and some pork mince……… Student B: Do we make some other dishes to go with the jiaozi? Student C: How about some cold dishes like cucumber salad 凉拌黄瓜)…………… * * corn fish eggs fruits What do we eat in our daily diet? carrots tomatoes cucumber cabbage sweets chocolate potato chips rice dumplings noodles cake pizza hamburger 西红柿炒鸡蛋 Scrambled egg with tomato 鱼香肉丝 Shredded pork with garlic sauce 糖醋排骨 Sweet and sour ribs 茄汁鱼片 Fish fil


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