unit4 food and dinners.ppt

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unit4 food and dinners

Brainstorming activities Introduction of the 8 different cuisine specialities: 粤菜、川菜、湘菜、鲁菜 苏菜、浙菜、闽菜、徽菜(皖菜) Unit 4 food and dinners 烤乳猪 龙虎烩 清蒸甲鱼 笋片烧蛇 Unit 4 food and dinners 川菜 麻婆豆腐 宫保鸡丁 鱼香肉丝 Unit 4 food and dinners 湘菜 东安鸡 红烧肉 清蒸海龟 辣子鸡丁 Unit 4 food and dinners 浙菜 东坡肘子 西湖醋鱼 龙井虾肉 叫花鸡 Dining customs in the western Before the dinner: 1st step: Be on time 2nd step: Lady first(table orders) 3rd step: Offer a prayer Dining customs in the western When at table, you can follow the tips behind: * Notice the way of using silverware ( eg ,knife and fork, spoon, etc). Dining customs in the western When at table, you can follow the tips behind: * Westerners don’t eat the bread as a whole. Dining customs in the western When at table, you can follow the tips behind: * Ask the host/hostess for an excuse if you want to leave the table. Dining customs in the western After dinner Talk about the business (in the business treating occasions) Have a fun together and offer your appreciation the other day (in friend’s house) Unit 4 food and dinners Useful sentences : Reserve a table Have you got a table for two? If possible, a table by the window for 6 persons will be great for us. I’m afraid all our tables are taken. Unit 4 food and dinners Useful sentences : Recommend the speciality Do you have any recommendations? What would you recommend? This is a special local product of Yiwu. It’s one of the specialities of the house. Unit 4 food and dinners Useful sentences : Pay the bill Check, please./ The bill, please. Separate bills or one bill? It’s my treat this time./ I’ll pay, I insist./It’s on me this time. Let’s go Dutch this time. Can I pay with the credit card? Here is your change. May I have the receipt, please? Unit 4 food and dinners Different ways of cooking: Boiled 煮的 eg: boiled peanuts 煮花生 Steamed 蒸的 eg: steamed fish 蒸鱼 Grilled 烤的 eg: grilled chicken wings 烤鸡翅 Brasied 焖的 eg: brasied pork chops with white beans 白豆焖猪排 Stewed 炖的 eg: stewed mutton 炖羊肉 F


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