全新版大学英语听说第二册unit 2.ppt

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全新版大学英语听说第二册unit 2

Unit 2 Food and Drinks sayings Eat to live and not live to eat. (Live not to eat, but eat to live.) 吃饭是为了活着, 活着不是为了吃饭。(活着不是为了吃,吃是为了活。) An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 苹果天天尝,不劳医生开药方。 Different kinds of food spinach; celery; 菠菜; 芹菜; asparagus; cabbage; 笋; 卷心菜 lettuce; eggplant; 莴笋; 茄子; onion ; garlic; 洋葱; 大蒜 pea; cucumber; 豌豆; 黄瓜 pumpkin; 南瓜; sprout; bitter gourd 豆芽; 苦瓜 fig; apricot; 无花果; 杏; lychee; papaya; 荔枝; 木瓜 coconut; 椰子; persimmon 柿子 plum; 李子; mango; 芒果; watermelon; 西瓜 lemon; 柠檬; pork; 猪肉 beef; 牛肉 lamb; 羊羔肉 chicken; 鸡肉 mutton; 羊肉 turkey; 火鸡 chop; 排骨 sausage; 香肠 roast; 烤肉 ham; 火腿 beer; 啤酒 white wine; 白葡萄酒 red wine; 红葡萄酒 champagne; 香槟酒 cocktail; 鸡尾酒 liqueur; 白酒 Lemonade 柠檬汁 mineral water; 矿泉水 soda water; 苏打水 whisky; 威士忌 brandy; 白兰地 vodka; 伏特加 Special Dishes Introduce one of special dishes in your hometown, including name, ingredients and way of cooking. Thank You! * * Vegetable eggplant mushroom corn carrot broccoli MOUTH WATERING Fruit strawberry apple grape cherry MOUTH WATERING chicken beef pork mutton Meat MOUTH WATERING Drinks tea orange juice beer milk Chinese Cuisine MOUTH WATERING Methods of Cooking Food Steamed; fried; braised; boiled; roast蒸;炒;炖;煮;烤 Methods of cutting Diced ;sliced; shredded; minced 丁;片;丝;末 cooking wine (料酒) soy-sauce (酱油) vinegar (醋) sesame oil (香油) ginger (姜) gourmet powder (味精) salt (盐) mustard (芥末) pepper (胡椒) Words for Ingredients in Foods: *


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