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11 He doesnt really mean that—hes just being deliberately provocative. 他不是真有此意,只不过是存心挑逗一下罢了。 a provocative smile 撩人的一笑 He has made a string of outspoken and sometimes provocative speeches in recent years... 他近些年发表了一连串直言不讳、有时带煽动性的演说。 She had recently taken a canvas from the theater and tacked it up on the wall. 她最近从剧院拿回一幅油画,用图钉把它钉在了墙上。 This report takes a different tack from the 20 that have come before. 这份报告和此前的 20 份报告采取的思路不同。 Our last trip involved a coastal passage, tacking east against wind and current... 我们上次旅行时曾经沿着海岸,逆着风浪向东曲折航行。 Her anxiety about the world was amplifying her personal fears about her future. 她对世界的忧虑加剧了她对自己未来的恐惧 The mist had been replaced by a kind of haze that seemed to amplify the heat... 薄雾散了,取而代之的是一种似乎更添酷热的烟霭。 You may need to amplify this point. 你可能需要对这一点进一步予以说明。 The air was crisp and clear and the sky was blue. 空气清新,天空碧蓝。 deep, crisp snow 踩上去咯吱作响的积雪 The autumn sky is clear and the air is crisp. 秋高气爽。 Unfortunately, my application for a grant was rejected. 很遗憾,我的助学金申请被拒绝了。 因视作理所当然而)不把…当回事,对…不予重视(或不知感激) What right has the family to take me for granted, Martin?... 这家人有什么资格瞧不起我,马丁? The officials felt taken for granted and grumbled loudly. 这些官员感到受了怠慢,于是大声抱怨起来。 14、The heat and humidity were insufferable. 高温和潮湿让人难以忍受。 15、The South African mailboat arrived on Friday mornings unless bad weather intervened... 除非受恶劣天气干扰,南非邮船一般在星期五上午抵达。 Ive told you hes not here, Irena intervened. “我告诉你了他不在这里,”伊雷娜插话说。 The Government is doing nothing to intervene in the crisis. 政府没有采取任何行动对这次危机进行干预。 16、(literary) (of an idea, a feeling or an atmosphere 想法、情感或氛围 )to be the most obvious feature of a place or moment 盛行;成为最显著的 At last silence reigned (= there was complete silence) . 最后,万籁俱寂。 17、...the northern hemisphere. 北半球 In most people, the left hemisphere is bigger than the right. 多数人的左脑比右脑大。 18、You must admit that the man has got charm, said Nicolson. Glamour, amended Wells. “你必须承认这个男人有魅力,”尼科尔森说。“是诱惑力,”韦尔斯纠正说。 He wanted to make amends for causing their marriage to fa


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