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扬州大学环境科学与工程学院 毕 业 设 计 专业 班级 学 生 姓 名 完 成 日 期 指 导 教 师 评阅人 摘 要 1*104m3/d。 整个工程包括三大部分:取水工程、输配水工程和净水工程。 取水工程主要的设计内容为地表取水位置的选择、取水型式的确定及取水泵站的设计。 净水工程的主要设计内容为净水厂的设计计算。包括水处理工艺流程的确定、处理构筑物的设计计算以及水厂的平面和高程布置。 通过技术和经济比较,确定净水厂的工艺流程选用方案一: 关键词:取水工程;输配水工程;净水工程;网格絮凝池;斜管沉淀池;无阀滤池; Abstract The design is water supply project for the water plant of PuZhuang town of SuZhou City in Jiangsu Province. The total volume of this project is 10 thousand cubic meters. The whole project consists of three parts which is water diversion project, water transport and allocation project and water treatment project. The surface water diversion project consists of the selection of water source location, the form of water diversion and the design of pump station. The water clarification project is the major part in this paper. It consists of the choice of the water plant location, processes selection, water treatment constructions design, plant layout and architectural design. This paper also demonstrates the detail of process of design for each construction or apparatus in the water treatment plant. It is divided into two parts: water treatment plant designing and water proportioning plant designing. According to the surveying about quality of raw water, the raw water can be transmitted to the user only through simple disinfection (add chlorine). Two sets of program have been compared both technologically and economically. And the first program is preferred. The whole process is as follows: raw water→ pipe-shaped mixing apparatus →mechanical stirring clarifier → water treatment project→ flocculent tank→ non-valve filter →clear well→ high-service pumping station→ municipal pipe network. Keywords: water diversion projects; water transport and allocation projects; water treatment project;flocculent tank;slanting canal preciplitank; non-valve filter


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