(HSE管理文件)04-008Vehicle Exit-Entry Management Standard.doc

(HSE管理文件)04-008Vehicle Exit-Entry Management Standard.doc

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1 目的Purpose 加强对进出公司的机动车辆的管理,维护正常的生产经营秩序。 Strengthen the management on motor vehicles that enter or exit the Company, maintain a normal and orderly production and business. 2 适用范围Scope of Application适用于所有进出公司的机动车辆。 Apply to all motor vehicles that enter or exit the Company. 3 术语或定义Terms and Definitions3.1 生产区:指以内区、鲤鱼尾油港区、青兰山油港区。Production Areas: refer to areas of the process units within the Company’s fence, Liyuwei Oil Terminal and Qinglanshan Oil Terminal 3.2 机动车:本标准指由动力装置驱动或者牵引,在公司内行驶的供人员乘用或者用于运送物品以及用于工程作业的车辆。 Motor Vehicle: refers to a vehicle propelled or drawn by power device, which may carry personnel or materials, and be used for the purpose of project engineering work within the Company. 4 职责Roles and Responsibilities 4.1 HSE部负责进入公司的机动车辆通行证的审查签发及行作业监督管理。HSE department is responsible for reviewing and issuing vehicle pass and performing administrative supervision and control. 4.2 当班门卫负责对进出门岗的机动车辆进行查验,确保符合安全规定。 Safety Guards on shift is responsible for checking and verifying motor vehicles that enter or exit the gate to ensure conforming to safety regulations. 5 工作程序或要求Work Procedures or Requirements5.1 通用原则General Principles 5.1.1 除装运石油产品的车辆凭“产品装运证”进出外,其他所有进出公司门岗的机动车辆均需凭HSE部签发的车辆通行证通行,无证车辆门卫不得放行。Except that vehicles carrying petroleum product can have exit-entry by holding “Product Bill of Loading”, all other motor vehicles entering or leaving the Company’s gate sentry shall have Vehicle Pass issued by HSE department. Gate guards shall not allow any vehicle passing through without a Pass. 5.1.2 车辆通行证原则上只发给与公司生产、建设直接相关的车辆。员工个人及临时来公司洽谈业务、邮件快递人员的车辆不发给通行证。 In principle, vehicle pass is only issued to a vehicle that has direct relations with the Company’s production and construction work. Vehicles of employees, mail services staff and other personnel who visit the Company to discuss business shall not be issued with Pass. 5.1.3 办理通行证时需根据业务性质确定通行证的有效期限及通行证的种类。通行证分为:车辆通行证、临时通行证、特别通行证。 The validity duration and category of Pass shall be determined as



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