(HSE管理文件)04-010Prevention of Hydrogen Sulfide Poisoning.doc

(HSE管理文件)04-010Prevention of Hydrogen Sulfide Poisoning.doc

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1 目的 Purpose 为防止发生硫化氢中毒事故,保障员工生命和财产安全,特制定本标准。 This standard is developed to prevent the hydrogen sulfide poisoning incident and to protect the personnel safety. 2 适用范围 Scope of Application 本规定适用于公司所属各单位。 Applies to all units of the Company 3 术语或定义 Terms and Definitions 硫化氢():无色气体,具有臭鸡蛋味,是一种神经毒物,亦为窒息性和刺激性气体Hydrogen sulfide (H2S): a colorless gas with a characteristic odor of rotten eggs. It is a neurotoxic, suffocative and irritative gas. 通常其浓度及毒性反映如下表: H2S concentration Matrix: 浓度concentration (mg/m3) 接触时间Exposure time 毒 性 反 映Toxicity reflection 0.0007~0.2 ? 远低于危害浓度,可以被敏感地发觉Below the harm concentration, can be conscious of 0.4 ? 臭味明显Odour can be smelled. 30~40 ? 臭味强烈,仍能耐受,是引起症状的阈浓度Can be smell strong odour, it is harm concentration. 70~150 1~2h 呼吸道和眼出现刺激症状,吸附5 min后不再闻到臭味 ,导致嗅神经麻痹There is irritative symptoms on inhalation and eye, smell will paralysis in 5 minutes. 300 1h 6~8min出现眼急性刺激症状,接触长引起肺水肿Irritation symptoms of acute poisoning on eye, even lung edema for a long time exposure 375~750 0.5~1h 发生肺水肿和中枢神经系统症状,引起头痛、头晕 、步态不稳、恶心呕吐,以至意识丧失Cause lung edema, central nerve paralysis, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomit and loss of consciousness 1000 数秒钟 很快出现急性中毒,呼吸加快、麻痹而死亡Cause acute poisoning, decompensation, paralysis even death 1400 立即 昏迷而死亡loss of consciousness and die from stop of the breath 4 职责 Roles and Responsibilities 4.1 HSE部负责组织有关业务团队查清硫化氢分布、建立警示标识;指导配置硫化氢检测报警设施及防毒防护器材;指导制定防硫化氢中毒应急处理预案和应急演练;开展气防技能教育和中毒事故应急救援;对气防工作开展情况进行检查、考核。HSE Department shall be responsible for organizing the relevant Business Teams to identify the plant site distribution of H2S and provide warning signs; instructing the provision of H2S detection and alarm devices and gas protection equipment; guiding to develop emergency response plan and emergency drills for H2S poisoning prevention; developing gas prevention skill training and poisoning incident emergency response rescue plan; and conducting inspection and assessment for the implementation of gas prevention work. 4.



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