(HSE管理文件)04-034Blind Management Procedure.doc

(HSE管理文件)04-034Blind Management Procedure.doc

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1 目的 Purpose 为了确保生产装置、储运系统和公用工程的开工、运行、停工及检、维修的安全,特制定本。 This procedure is developed to ensure the safety of the production units, offsites system and utilities during startup, operation, shutdown,maintenance and repair. 2 适用范围 Scope of Application 本程序对盲板的制作、日常管理、加装/拆除要求及程序作出规定,适用于公司各部门及业务团队。 This procedure defines the requirements and procedures for the fabrication, daily management, and installation/removal of the blind plate, and it applies to all the departments and business teams of the Company. 3 术语或定义 Terms or Definitions N/A 4 职责 Roles and Responsibilities 4.1 HSE部负责制定和修订盲板管理程序,并对落实情况进行监督。HSE Department shall be responsible for developing and revising the blind management procedure, and supervising the implementation status. 4.2 生产部负责各装置之间、装置与系统之间盲板的使用规划与协调管理工作。Process Department shall be responsible for the installation planning, coordination and management of the blinds between units and between units and system. 4.3 供应流通部负责盲板的采购。Supply Distribution Department shall be responsible for the procurement of the blind. 4.4 机械设备部负责盲板的制作。Mechanical Department shall be responsible for making a few blinds. 4.5 各业务团队负责建立本团队盲板台帐和绘制盲板图,负责提出盲板制作计划,负责盲板管理和盲板加装/拆除过程中的管理、监护工作。 The business teams shall be responsible for establishing the blinds list of their respective team and drawing the blinds map, selecting the blind type and its fabrication plan, and the management and supervision during the installation/removal of the blinds. 5 工作程序或要求 Work Procedures or Requirements 5.1 盲板的制作要求 Requirements on the fabrication of blinds 5.1.1 盲板(包括临时盲板)样式及选材要适宜,制作应依据管道的压力等级、管道公称直径、法兰密封面尺寸制作,厚度要经强度计算The style and material of the blinds (including temporary blinds) shall be made according to the material, pressure ratings, nominal diameters of piping and the size of the flange sealing surface. The thickness shall be based on the strength calculation (refer to HG21547-93 and Fujian Refining and Ethylene Project Piping Material Specification) 5.1.2 制作好的盲板应平整、光滑,经检查无裂纹和孔洞,高压盲



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