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本科专业课程设计 题目 新能源汽车动力与驱动系统总体的设计 摘 要 日益严重的环境污染和能源危机对汽车工业的发展提出了极为严峻的挑战。为了汽车工业的可持续发展,以使用电能的电动机作为驱动设备的电动汽车能真正实现“零污染”,现已成为各国汽车研发的一个重点。 纯电动汽车是指利用动力电池作为储能动力源,通过电池向电机提供电能,驱动电机运转,从而推动车辆前进。而在电动汽车研究的众多技术选型中,依靠轮边驱动的电动汽车逐渐成为一种新颖的电动汽车选型方向。 本文设计了一种新型双电机独立驱动桥,该方案采用锂离子动力电池作为动力源,两台永磁直流无刷电机作为驱动装置,依靠两套减速齿轮组分别进行减速,用短半轴带动车轮旋转。在系统构型设计的基础上,进行了包括电动机、电池在内的动力系统参数匹配。 关键词:纯电动汽车;锂离子;双电机系统 Abstract Increasingly serious environmental pollution and energy crisis put forward on the development of the auto industry is extremely severe challenges. In order to the sustainable development of automobile industry, to use the power of the motor as driving device of the electric car can truly realize zero pollution, has become a national automobile research and development of a key. So-called pure electric vehicles is the use of power battery as energy storage power source, through the battery power to the motor, drive motor running, pushing forward vehicle. In the electric car research, technology selection, depending on the round edge drive electric cars gradually become a new direction of the electric car type selection. This paper designs a new type of double motor drive axle independently, the scheme adopts the lithium ion power battery as a power source, two permanent magnet brushless dc motor as drive device, rely on two sets of gear group respectively for slowing down, with a short half shaft drives the wheels. On the basis of the system configuration design, the power system parameters, including electric motors, batteries, matching. Key words:Electric vehicles;Li+;Dual motor system 目 录 摘要...............................................................Ⅰ Abstract...........................................................Ⅱ 设计任务...........................................................Ⅲ 1 绪论..............................................................1 1.1 电动汽车发展背景...............................................1 1.2 电动汽车发展现状与趋势............



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