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毕业设计 课程设计有相应的资料和CAD图纸,充值下载或购买者将免费赠送。联系QQ号;1620812008. 本科毕业论文 基于数据挖掘的政府信息资源 学 院___ 管理学院__ ___ 专 业___ 电子商务________ 年级班别___ 2006级(2)班__ 学 号___ 3106005602_______ 学生姓名____ __________ 指导教师____ _________ 2010年5月 摘 要 随着互联网的发展和政府信息化的推进,电子政务已经成为我国信息化进程的重点,同时政府的信息共享也越来越复杂,随着数据仓库技术、OLAP技术及数据挖掘技术的逐步成熟,为实现决策支持系统提供了技术上的支持,使决策支持系统的发展跃上一个新的台阶,也为决策支持系统开辟了一条新的途径。 所以,以数据仓库(Data Warehouse)技术为基础,以联机分析处理(OLAP)和数据挖掘(Data Mining)工具为手段实施政府经济决策系统是当前公认的一整套解决方案。其中,数据仓库直接为联机分析处理和数据挖掘提供数据能力。 针对我国一些地区出现的政务信息公开滞后,网上办事难,本文以广东某市的区域住房情况进一个预测树分析,通过联机处理工具和数据挖掘工具对政务信息提出一些有用的信息 关键词: 数据挖掘,电子政务,政府信息 注:本论文题目来源于基于Web环境广州市政府信息资源分类共享及发布机制研究(09Q23),广州市哲学社会科学发展“十一五”规划课题 Abstract With the development of the Internet and government information technology to promote e-government has become the focus of Chinas information process, while the governments information sharing have become increasingly complex, with the data warehouse, OLAP technology and data mining technology matures, To achieve decision support system provides technical support to the development of decision support system has leapt to a new level, but also for decision support systems has opened up a new way. Therefore, data warehouse (Data Warehouse) technology, on-line analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining (Data Mining) tool as a means of implementing the governments economic policy-making system is currently recognized as a set of solutions. Among them, the data warehouse directly to the online analytical data processing and data mining capabilities. In view of the number of regions lagging behind the government information public, the Internet work hard, this paper, the housing situation in the Guangdong city of the region into a prediction tree analysis, through on-line processing tools and data mining tool for government information some useful information Key words: Date Mining, E-Government, Government Information 目 录 第一章 绪


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