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福建306省道施工图设计 摘要 本次设计是福建省306省道的改造工程,公路全长近3000米。该公路沿线地形比较复杂,多为山岭,沟谷,河流,并有多处工厂。沿线地势变化比较明显,全线海拔在670米至780米之间,起终点高差比较大。该公路的预计建成后第一年的交通量为3889辆/日,年平均增长率为8%,设计年限为15,。根据规范要求,因此应设为二级公路,但同时又考虑到地形比较复杂的原因,设计速度定为40km/h比较合理。 本次设计本着“和谐、人性、环保、安全”的设计原则,根据国家必威体育精装版设计规范进行设计。道路部分包括路线线形方案的选择、平面设计、纵断面设计、横断面设计、路面结构设计、路基排水设计、交通沿线设施设计。设计成果包括路线平面图、路线纵断面图、路基横断面图、路基路面结构图、道路技术经济指标表、直曲转角表、路基土石方数量、路基设计表、路基工程数量表等等。 关键词:二级公路;设计原则;设计成果 306 provincial highway construction drawing design in FuJian province Abstract This design is the 306 provincial highway reconstruction project in fujian province,Road of nearly 3000 miles in length.The topography is complicated along the highway,Much as mountains, valleys, rivers, and there are many factories.The obvious along the terrain change,Across the board between 670 meters to 780 meters above sea level,The end point elevation difference is larger.The highway is expected in the first year after the completion of the traffic volume of 3889 / day,The average annual growth rate of 8,Design of fixed number of year for 15 years.According to the specification requirements,Should be set as the secondary road,But at the same time, considering the terrain is more complex,Design speed is 40 km/h is quite reasonable. The design principle of this design is in line with harmonious 、humanity、 environmental、 safety,According to the national design specification for latest design.Road section including the selection of the route scheme, The plane design, Profile design ,Cross-sectional design of pavement structure ,design of subgrade drainage ,design Along the traffic facilities .Design results include Route plan route longitudinal profile Subgrade cross sectional drawing road subgrade pavement structure of technical and economic indicators table Straight curved corner table Number of the earth work roadbed subgrade engineering design table table, etc. Key words:Secondary road;design philosophy;Design results 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第一章 设计概述 1 1.



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