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《高分子化学实验》教学大纲 Syllabus of Experiments of Polymer Chemistry 课程名称:高分子化学实验 Course Name: Experiments of Polymer Chemistry 英文名称:Experiments of Polymer Chemistry English Name: Experiments of Polymer Chemistry? 学 时:46学时 Course Period:4 h 开课学期:第五学期 Commencement of semester: the 5th Semester 适用专业:高分子材料与工程 For Professional: Polymer materials and engineering 课程类别:必修 Course Type: obligatory course 课程性质:专业基础课 Course nature: Professional basic course 先修和同修课程:有机化学、物理化学、高分子化学 Preceding and Following Courses: Organic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Polymer chemistry 大纲执笔人:张治红 张晓静 Authors of the syllabus: Zhihong Zhang, Xiaojing Zhang 大纲审核人: 教 材:何卫东编.高分子化学实验.中国科学技术大学出版社,2002; 梁晖、卢江编著,《高分子实验技术》,化学工业出版社,2004; Textbooks: Experiments of Polymer Chemistry, Weidong He, University of Science and Technology of China Press, 2002 Experiments Technology of Polymer, Hui Liang Jiang Lu, Chemical Industry Press, 2004 一、课程简介 Course Introduction “高分子化学实验”是高分子学科的一门重要基础课,是高分子专业学生必修的一门独立的基础实验课程。通过实验课程训练,巩固并加深高分子化学课程的基本原理和概念的理解,掌握高分子化学实验的基本方法,培养学生的动手能力、观察能力、查阅文献的能力、思维创新能力、表达能力和归纳处理、分析实验数据及撰写科学报告的能力。从而培养学生实事求是的独立能力和基础的科研能力。 Experiments of Polymer Chemistry is an important basic course of polymer science and independently obligatory and basic experimental course of students. It can improve, steady and deepen understanding on basic principles and concepts of polymer chemistry. Also it will promote students to grasps the basic approaches of polymer chemistry experiments and culture the practical, observation, literature reviewing, innovative thinking, expression and summarization, experimental data analysis and the report writing ability. Therefore, the pragmatic independent ability and basic research capability of students can be trained. 二、高分子化学实验课的主要目的 Object of Experiments of Polymer Chemistry 1、掌握高分子化学实验的基本研究方法,通过实验手段熟悉高聚物的合成和结构表征,理解高聚物化学性质与结构之间的关系,学会重要的高分子化学实验技术和基本实验仪器的使用。 Students can grasp the basic research approaches of


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